JamesMerca50's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 51 of 67 in Wall Photos

DeathLand Updated #20 "Finally Done"

- Sightly Changed Preview map position
- sightly Remodel Base Lights design
- Reduced specular textures at 7%
- Changed skybox theme to "Sky Afternoon"
- Sightly Tweaked wind noise sound and reduce pitch audio
- Sightly Tweaked water animation effect
- Replaced Grass texture
- Replaced EpicTroll2's Clan pic into badman34's Clan pic (Because EpicTroll2 got banned from Warmerise)
- Removed props boxes
- Removed annoying picture frames in DeviantArt (Is only has one picture frame comic Australian player by Jackmann)
- Removed Overwatch & Modern Warfare characters pictures (Sorry for inconvenience)
- Sightly Recolored base floors and change floor Armory Center turned Violet
- Recolored Armory Center design
- Resized name signs at 12%
- Sightly changed and replaced Name signs stylist fonts "Lori Loud,Leni Loud,Lincoln Loud,Lana Loud and Lola Loud"
- Added picture character "Clyde McBride" from The Loud House
- Reduced map size at 2.04MB [5.62MB]
- Improved performace update

Check out the version of map from the pending list
[Votes must atleast was 50 rates to updated map]