DeadArt said:this way prety coolTo be honest, I don't really like the new Play Now page. It looks too all-over-the-place...
Maybe something like this would be better? (Note: I quickly doodled it up in Photoshop. It's not a coded demo and stuff like color could probably be fine-tuned better.)
Max said: @DeadArt Great job on the layout, looks clean and well put together. I will be working on the mobile version of the quick join soon (for the new mobile app), and it looks more fitting for the smaller screens, eventually, the desktop version will be updated as well, the layout is constantly evolving, and it's quite different from how it was originally planned.
can u pls intriduce a PS CD for it
Update 2
- Fixed bug when joining Quick Play Room without players would convert it to a regular TDM room
- Fixed bug when the Quick Play would use Nuke mode if it was previously enabled in the Room Creation menu
- Made door opening and closing speeds framerate independent
- Fixed bug on T-Pile when the door would close while the player is still near it
- Fixed bug when the 'Quick' game mode prefix would not appear in the mobile version
- Fixed bug when the spawn shield would not disable when throwing grenades or placing mines
Update 3
- Possibly fixed the bug when the Room List would stuck on refreshing
- Updated KDR coefficient to account for the players with lots of deaths and few kills (to prevent teams from being too unbalanced)
Update 4
- Changed Custom Map sorting algorithm to account for the usage frequency instead of just rating
- Improved performance when scrolling through custom maps
- Fixed bug when custom map previews would not load sometimes
- Custom maps can now be selected by clicking anywhere on the card instead of the "Select" button
- Fixed bug when the game would stuck when joining the room with the "Disable TPS" option
@professionalsniper Try a different browser (or an incognito mode tab in your browser, so no cached files are used) and see if it fixes the issue. If it does, you need to clear the cache in your browser.