If you have 500+ vehicle explosion kills and enjoy getting that satisfying +35 xp, join. That's the only requirement
You need 500 explosion kills :smirk:
You can try requesting membership, but I won't accept it unless you got 500 explosion kills.
Go blow some cars up, it is 35 xp per kill, so why not
Spacetrooper said: Dang. 500 explosion kills are hard man.
I was originally going to set the requirement to 1000 kills, but I then realize even I don't have that many explosion kills.
I have 890 but join what ?
Guys I changed the requirement to 300 vehicle explosion kills. If you don't meet the requirement, you will be rejected within a day or 2 lol
Join: https://warmerise.com/group/1201
now this is a good idea
Okay I lowered the requirement to 200 vehicle explosion kills because apparently people don't know how to blow up cars lol
This will be raised back to 300 on July 1st, so join now!
Clan deleted cause no one joined
Apparently people don't know how to blow vehicles up
aw sad