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This is where India stands in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

This is where India stands in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
IndiaIndia2 min read
Representative image    IANS
  • India is one of the few countries who haven’t criticised Russia’s decision of sending troops across the Ukraine border.
  • At the UN emergency meeting, India only mentioned about the escalation of tension between the two European nations and called on all parties to exercise “utmost restraint”.
  • Roman Babushkin, Russian chargé d’affaires called India’s approach to be ‘independent and balanced’.
India has a special and privileged strategic partnership with Russia and is one of the few countries who haven’t criticised Russia’s decision of sending troops across the Ukraine border.

At the United Nations’s (UN) emergency meeting called by the Security Council, which was held on February 22, India spoke about the escalation of the tension and asked all the countries to exercise “utmost restraint”. It also took diplomatic efforts to find a solution that ensures the security of all countries.

TS Tirumurti, India’s permanent representative to the UN said, “ The immediate priority is de-escalation of tensions taking into account legitimate security interests of all countries and aimed towards securing long term peace and stability in the region and beyond.”

Furthermore, India asked all sides to intensify diplomatic efforts to reach for an amicable solution at the earliest.

On the other hand, Russia had welcomed India’s approach with open arms. Roman Babushkin, Russian chargé d’affaires or the senior-most Russian diplomat in New Delhi, called India’s approach to be ‘independent and balanced’.

“We welcome the independent position India has taken in the UN Security Council twice already [and] which was expressed openly by the Indian external affairs minister and other officials,” said Babushkin, referring to the statements made by India on the Ukraine crisis at the Security Council meeting.

He further added, “India’s stance at the Security Council reflects our special and privileged strategic partnership and fully corresponds to Indian aspirations to enhance its status in global affairs.”

Babushkin made it very clear that both the countries will continue to work together in the near future.

Russia and India, last year in December, announced that they have signed a program of cooperation in the field of defense for the next ten years, from 2021 to 2031. Also, the two countries have set a target for $30 billion in trade and $50 billion in investment by 2025.

Commenting on the global ties with India, he said, “We continue our work with our Indian partners in defence. We have big plans and we hope that our partnership will continue further at the same level we are enjoying today”. He also added that Russia will have a “huge participation” in India’s upcoming Defexpo exhibition.

However, sensing the urgency that has unfolded in the Ukraine, the Indian embassy rolled out multiple advisories for Indian students to immediately leave the country on a temporary basis.

“Students are advised, in the interest of their safety, to leave Ukraine temporarily, rather than wait for an official confirmation from universities,” said the Indian Embassy in Kyiv.

Meanwhile, according to a report by the Times of India, India has evacuated 182 Indian nationals on a special flight from Ukraine.

