TheUltimateBeast's Polls

LOTR favourite character?

Who is your favourite Lord Of The Rings character?
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    STERBEN99 y? without him i think frodo would have failed, he's loyal af (yea is kinda a **** to smeagol but he was right-true tho that the fat f*ck only knows how to eat)
    April 22, 2017
  • TheUltimateBeast
    TheUltimateBeast Nah, i hate all the dwarves. They are all retards.
    April 22, 2017
    STERBEN99 dwarf? wtf
    sam is a hobbit
    April 22, 2017
  • TheUltimateBeast
    TheUltimateBeast same thing
    April 22, 2017