Forums » Custom Maps

    • 539 posts
    June 11, 2020 2:31 PM PDT

    I really liked Gonza01's cannon idea using animations, so I "borrowed" the idea and tried to make it a little more consistent about firing players. It's still picky about where you stand, but it works more reliably now. You can get some impressive range if you're standing in the perfect spot. For those interested, I have a 60fps animation. The blocks move 20 units up and left over 3 frames, then goes below the terrain to reset position below the platform.


    The idea behind Skeet was that players would launch themselves into the air to get above a hill in the middle of the map. This launch would allow the other team to shoot back at them, however. You can also stand up on the rocky landing platform to see over, but you can only see the other platform and it's hard to walk on the rocks and aim. I made it mostly as an experiment, but as I started decorating I got carried away with it, as usual. You can see the stream where I prototyped and designed at this link right here. Please let me know what you think!


    This post was edited by chronospectrum at June 11, 2020 2:32 PM PDT
    • 539 posts
    June 11, 2020 6:21 PM PDT

    Update 1: (WIP. Will be deployed after map approval. Still waiting for further bug reports too)

    • ~ added colliders to outer ring of rocks.
    • ~ Changed collider type on landing ramps to make them a little easier to traverse.
    • ~ Idea: Depending on performance, I might add rocks as details to the outer terrain. It's pretty bland right now. Also considering snow up there?
    • ~ Idea: Rework central barrier of trees. Will need playtesting session to see how much they obscure the view for yeeted players.
    • ~ Idea: If needed, add barriers to protect mancannons.

    This post was edited by chronospectrum at June 11, 2020 6:23 PM PDT
    • 285 posts
    June 13, 2020 3:45 AM PDT

    I'm just gonna drop the review video here too But i'll also summarize what I said in it. So basically! I love this whole concept and I can see that now that you guys have practically proved that something like this can happen in the maps, I think it might take the gameplay to another level. The only hurdle will be of the fall damage for which I want to suggest Max if he can make the fall damage optional for map creators. 

    I was actually having a hard time figuring out if the mountains surrounding this were a skybox of the mountain was actually there, and I figured it wasn't a skybox. What if you add a skybox for mountains instead of adding actual mountains around? wouldn't that reduce the size and improve performance?

    There were some floating trees but I'm sure you already know about them.

    • 5 posts
    June 14, 2020 8:05 PM PDT
    you can recreate the Only Sniper map
    • 142 posts
    June 17, 2020 9:30 AM PDT
    GRILLO said:
    you can recreate the Only Sniper map

    And why would be do that? There are like 4 of them already.
    • 5 posts
    June 17, 2020 7:37 PM PDT
    but in none of them there is no way to use the