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Auto Balance

    • 11 posts
    September 22, 2020 4:10 AM PDT

    Hello! Please add auto balance in servers, because its really annoying when you play almost alone versus 15 players!

    • 285 posts
    September 22, 2020 5:11 AM PDT

    Exterminator said:

    Hello! Please add auto balance in servers, because its really annoying when you play almost alone versus 15 players!


    The problem you're addressing, even the games that have auto-balance have this problem. Auto-balance doesn't balance teams during the game, it does it before the game starts. For example, you're team is winning, and the other team leaves, would you enjoy being moved to a losing team by auto-balance? 

    The bonus xp is an incentive for players to not leave, but I think if they get xp for all the kills they made, only if they stay to the end of the match, maybe then they'll leave less.