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Toxic Player - Jelmervailoces

    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:04 AM PST

    max we know that she is toxic but banning her or deleting her acc will make her more toxic and yeah she will come up with another acc and will shopw more toxicness so in place of banning her the ones whoi have problem with her just block her, i ain't even friend with her and so have no problem with her, in servers i ignore her and thats all the solution, kale said right "what is happening here is people not thinking straight and making poor decisions because they are mad. We need to see past that and try and figure out how to resolve the situation in a way so that everyone is happy. " so max plz don't ban her, just block her thats the solution . now u can do as u  wish :)

    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:07 AM PST

    Yeah but thats not the point. The point is she is posting us in public which isn't allowed. She is photoshopping pictures, posting them in public, in Youtube, and on discord. It's not acceptable and i could just block her which is what i did, but i don't allow her to talk about us in ppublic. Max made this game to have fun together, and those values and aspects aren't being followed properly.

    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:17 AM PST

    So bro she is posting about u on youtube and discord and u r affected by it cause u are thinking what people will think of me, she is humiliating me, etc, etc. but bro try to ignore try to be good don't get affected by what people will think of  u or u r humiliated by those nonsense posts, its her nature, she is toxic so let her be, she is in loss, no one likes her, but bro i honestly tell u banning other people made your bad image in public and yeah u don't want it, u want to be good in front of people so just let it go, i use this word JUST IGNORE plz and after this also if u want u can ban her forever, i have no issue but then one day someone might come and tell max to ban u forever(thats not me, i will never do it :) ) i hope  u understood bro :)


    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:19 AM PST

    Not banning, i didn't even make this forum topic, just the right punishment that max thinks he can do for a situation like this.

    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:24 AM PST

    yeah i saw bro u aren't saying to ban her but at  the first post of the forum u can see people hoping that she gets banned forever, or acc deletes, i know u haven't made the forum for banning her but the coinversation went that way onlyt and max also feels that she should be banned permanently but i ain't in favour of this niether kale is, then too max is the higher authority he can decide :)

    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:35 AM PST

    Thats their opninon and we have to respect that. everyone varies in some way and we can't criticize people. We all have to respect those opinions because everyone is unique in a way.

    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:43 AM PST

    burt it isn't necessary that everyone is right in their opinion, maybe its a wrong decision from their side, we need to respect that but it ain't right everytime :)

    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:45 AM PST

    opinions are never right or wrong first, and making a decision can never be wrong because everyone works for their interests.

    This post was edited by whynot94 at February 8, 2021 6:45 AM PST
    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:46 AM PST

    ohk lol right :) u r true bro :)

    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:48 AM PST

    No, no, no xd, your not wrong as well, and i do get your point, but there is always a better option we have to follow.

    • 63 posts
    February 8, 2021 6:49 AM PST

    ya true we need to choose from all the opinions and decisions, right :)

    • 657 posts
    February 8, 2021 7:19 AM PST

    also there is 1 friend in my friend list (before he is not in my friend list) is called raideothexx,in sky gates and secret lab,he was very toxic to me and calling me s*xiest,white c*nt racist player and im not and he is trying to get good players banned coz he said "i will report to max" and i didint said any racism words he is trying to get me banned for reason:getting deeper ranks to top 100 and ruin trying to test the guns if im going to be pro with it or not,and then axreyl screen shot it and show it to her friends axreyl didint report she just like raideothexx be very toxic to me and laughing me saying "im not a s*iest racist c*nt white player here",i think axreyl should be banned to for 1 day coz she is the raideothexx's gf and then the end he said sorry to me when he is in friend list,OMG very very very toxic friend he is,he should be banned for 1 day as well,so axreyl and raideothexx should get banned for 1 day and if they r banned imagine axreyl and raideothexx is banned from game and banned from heaven they go to hell without warmerise

    This post was edited by agent743 at February 8, 2021 7:39 AM PST
    • 2 posts
    February 8, 2021 11:04 AM PST

    I don't know the whole situation but I think Kale and A45H8 made some good points. There might be a reason for why they behave like that. If we ban people for toxicity it might be hard to decide what is toxic or not and I believe its not the true solution in most cases. As it has been said we don't know what they are going through. Maybe I can talk with Jelmer . Sometimes it works to be nice even if they are not nice to you at first

    • 68 posts
    February 8, 2021 11:39 AM PST
    I really like how this forum is a good discussion and not a whole bunch of yelling at people. This is very good that we are staying respectful of others opinions. I am confused, has jelmer actually been banned on her Jelmer account?

    I have a bit of a story: a little bit ago a player who was supposed to be in charge of a clan became rather inactive. I took over managing it. He then came back and made a post about how disappointed he was in us and how we have failed him and he no longer wanted to be a part of it. I took offense to this and got kind of mad at him. However some other people handled it better and were more respectful to him. It turns out he was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts and wasn't sure if he would survive the week. I then felt terrible that I had been that mean about responding. He was going through a rough time and I am sure I just made it worse by being mean back. The other people talked to him and he revealed some of his problems and he apologized.
    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 11:48 AM PST

    Yeah jelmer got banned on her main account which is aka jelmervailoces. And nice try kale, u still won't change my mind XD

    • 68 posts
    February 8, 2021 11:50 AM PST
    Ahh k. I am not really trying to change your mind just make sure you realize the full implications of your crusade against toxicity. Make sure you are making the correct decisions and keep in mind that they are still human beings and still deserve to be treated as such.
    • 86 posts
    February 8, 2021 12:41 PM PST

    I'm not treating anyone like a non-human being, i'm treating people based off of what they do. Now of course you've heard the moral "Treat people the way you want to be treated." If Jelmer wants us to treat her good, then she can't vary on that moral and she has to treat us that same way. So it functions out either way. And you can't oppose me on that moral because it's a worldwide lesson that everyone uses. I've tried being nice to jelmer, and i treated her with my best personality for about a month, but i've noticed that she doesn't like to be treated that way by telling me that i'm ruining everything for her. I asked her what i was doing and she told me that I was ruining everything because she wants to be toxic to every person but she can't do it to me because i'll destroy her. Do you see this mindset? Literally saying that her attitude is to be toxic to everyone. She literally told me that! Why would I leave that for her. If being nice doesn't work with her, then what will? You could ask xdshooter, i literally stopped him from fighting with her and she thanked me and everything, but it turned out that she was trying to back stab me from the beginning. This is why my head is locked with what I'm doing right now. If her toxicness was at a way lower level, then I promise you kale that I would be the first person to follow what your saying. Perhaps, the thing you are telling me to do is 100% my personality and ask xPenguin, he knows. He was very toxic to me, and I went up to him to solve this problem. 

    • 657 posts
    February 8, 2021 1:14 PM PST

    hi guys im reporting another player called "salvation angel" who changes his name every day so he doesnt get recongnised,1st i said "

    1 guy who is toxic and protesting me is called "salvation angel" he said "hahah" and said "fuock your mom to" and me and ????angel vote kick and click the toxic player
    coz i was too good and headshotting 3x",2nd i shot his body when i done headshoted 3x,whynot said "
    omg i know that 
    he;s the guy that keeps bothering me
    he changes his name every day" also i deleted letter s word coz i dont want max to see his abusive word and get him banned,then i said "and i was hitting his body" then he was wrong he is not in dragon complex but a container world is "containers2020" then whynot said "man, that guest is annoying he keeps saying moum is married to blacks? whynot?",another comment he put "he keeps saying my name in the end",and another comment he put "but he is a guest",another comment "but what we can do about it?",another comment he put "and he keeps changing his name everyday" and i said "all we can do is wait max to update chat system which should kick toxic player who has toxic words like "your moum" or "go kiss and suk your bf's **** if you are a girl" ",sry i put censored word coz im showing an example,another comment he put "wait rlly?" and he said "does that happen?" then i will say "yes it will happen in next update",so that is why it was happened
    • 57 posts
    February 8, 2021 4:27 PM PST

    MAXXD said:

    jelmervailoces is very toxic. why would we ignore the problem kale? i mean, she should be banned permanetly.



    • 57 posts
    February 8, 2021 4:38 PM PST

    A45H8 said:

    So bro she is posting about u on youtube and discord and u r affected by it cause u are thinking what people will think of me, she is humiliating me, etc, etc. but bro try to ignore try to be good don't get affected by what people will think of  u or u r humiliated by those nonsense posts, its her nature, she is toxic so let her be, she is in loss, no one likes her, but bro i honestly tell u banning other people made your bad image in public and yeah u don't want it, u want to be good in front of people so just let it go, i use this word JUST IGNORE plz and after this also if u want u can ban her forever, i have no issue but then one day someone might come and tell max to ban u forever(thats not me, i will never do it :) ) i hope  u understood bro :)



    I can understand you, but this world is like this. Once you show your bad side, you are humiliated by others, and your news and privacy are exposed by others. So people will stay away from you and not be friends with you.

    • 57 posts
    February 8, 2021 4:42 PM PST

    agent743 said:

    also there is 1 friend in my friend list (before he is not in my friend list) is called raideothexx,in sky gates and secret lab,he was very toxic to me and calling me s*xiest,white c*nt racist player and im not and he is trying to get good players banned coz he said "i will report to max" and i didint said any racism words he is trying to get me banned for reason:getting deeper ranks to top 100 and ruin trying to test the guns if im going to be pro with it or not,and then axreyl screen shot it and show it to her friends axreyl didint report she just like raideothexx be very toxic to me and laughing me saying "im not a s*iest racist c*nt white player here",i think axreyl should be banned to for 1 day coz she is the raideothexx's gf and then the end he said sorry to me when he is in friend list,OMG very very very toxic friend he is,he should be banned for 1 day as well,so axreyl and raideothexx should get banned for 1 day and if they r banned imagine axreyl and raideothexx is banned from game and banned from heaven they go to hell without warmerise


    This guy is really bad and must be banned.
    • 57 posts
    February 8, 2021 4:43 PM PST

    Migi said:

    I don't know the whole situation but I think Kale and A45H8 made some good points. There might be a reason for why they behave like that. If we ban people for toxicity it might be hard to decide what is toxic or not and I believe its not the true solution in most cases. As it has been said we don't know what they are going through. Maybe I can talk with Jelmer . Sometimes it works to be nice even if they are not nice to you at first


    You can try to talk to jelmervailoces, but be careful, there is a high chance that she will cheat you.
  • February 8, 2021 5:29 PM PST

    agent743 said:

    also there is 1 friend in my friend list (before he is not in my friend list) is called raideothexx,in sky gates and secret lab,he was very toxic to me and calling me s*xiest,white c*nt racist player and im not and he is trying to get good players banned coz he said "i will report to max" and i didint said any racism words he is trying to get me banned for reason:getting deeper ranks to top 100 and ruin trying to test the guns if im going to be pro with it or not,and then axreyl screen shot it and show it to her friends axreyl didint report she just like raideothexx be very toxic to me and laughing me saying "im not a s*iest racist c*nt white player here",i think axreyl should be banned to for 1 day coz she is the raideothexx's gf and then the end he said sorry to me when he is in friend list,OMG very very very toxic friend he is,he should be banned for 1 day as well,so axreyl and raideothexx should get banned for 1 day and if they r banned imagine axreyl and raideothexx is banned from game and banned from heaven they go to hell without warmerise

    Oh ye that dude he's a piece of crap. He so toxic and he shows off a lot, even if ur not talking with him this is what he says "r u talking to me"

    "dude shut up" "r u talking to him" "man ---- u"  "shut up kid"

  • February 8, 2021 5:32 PM PST

    This is his profile link very toxic and he says "STAND UP FOR UR RIGHTS"

    • 28 posts
    February 26, 2021 4:44 AM PST
    You have probably made half of warmerises population an enemy
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