Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

    • 10 posts
    March 9, 2021 10:29 AM PST

    you may know the truck bug,  sometimes you het in a humvee and you cant drive or exit, you have to switch to spectator to get out

    after getting kicked for high ping, the server list is empty, auto refresh would be simple to add i beleive.


    • 86 posts
    March 10, 2021 7:21 AM PST

    @Paths, I'm going to elaborate on this issue because you didn't include all of the aspects that caused this bug to happen. When someone and another player enter the same part of the humvee (I only saw it on the driver's side) at the same exact time (and it occurs alot), both of the players appear in the driver's side while overlapping over each other. When trying to exit the car at this point, you don't have the capability of exiting it unless you join another team or unless one of the players sitting in the car dies. You also couldn't move the car when both of them are in the same position.

    • 10 posts
    March 10, 2021 7:30 AM PST

    whynot94 said:

    @Paths, I'm going to elaborate on this issue because you didn't include all of the aspects that caused this bug to happen. When someone and another player enter the same part of the humvee (I only saw it on the driver's side) at the same exact time (and it occurs alot), both of the players appear in the driver's side while overlapping over each other. When trying to exit the car at this point, you don't have the capability of exiting it unless you join another team or unless one of the players sitting in the car dies. You also couldn't move the car when both of them are in the same position.


    yes, that is true but i have experinced this even without anyone else getting in with me, 

    and another bug / annoying feature;

    when up close to a wall, you put your gun in an upright position, and, when in 3rd person mode if you scope, your vision is completely obstructed by the gun texture, making it nearly impossible to snipe around corners in 3rd person mode

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