Forums » Bugs & Suggestions


    • 373 posts
    March 11, 2021 7:53 PM PST

    Tournament Server Suggestion. A special button has to be created called “CREAT TS” where TS stands for Tournament Server. Only 10 TS Servers can be Active at any given moment. Only low ping players allowed to join. Once the player Joins, he is given a message with the rules on the menu, and menu has additional button called “TS INFO” where rules are explained and Tournament Server info is displayed. A player has 5 minutes to pick weapon and join the team. As soon as he joins 1 hour timer starts. A player must play a complete Hour and Info page on the menu will count if during that hour the team he chose has been winning. Such tournament info will show different info for anybody based on when they jointed and what team they play on. Nobody is allowed to switch the team once they pick the team. A person can only join as the spectator for 7 minutes to go to the bathroom and it is described in TS INFO menu in the main menu. After 7 minutes spectator can stay but cannot play on either side. If a player quits, XP is lost and he is not allowed to join same TS game for an hour. But may join another TS game. If your team won by getting most points during the hour you were active in the game, you have a SciFi Cube Award appear in the TS INFO menu. SciFi Cube Awards can only be used to get special weapons in the TG Menu where guns are for example with silencers, and basic handgun with a silencer can be taken if a player won 10 SciFi cubes. It will give Hitman touch to the game and I believe it is easy to program any weapon to have a silencer added and maybe new look, like silver look. If everyone quits the Tournament Server it says in waiting mode for 15 minutes and then disappears. Only 10 Tournament Servers can be ON during any given time. Player who join only can choose one team and stay on that team. A player who desires to earn the Cube must play for whole hour and only got 7 minute Spectator break if needed. TS INFO must say a warning “Use the bathroom before joining the team” and “Please, join the game if you are ready and committed to play for 1 hour to have a chance to win SciFi Cube Award”. To generate Income for creators some TS Prize Weapons can have a requirement to have certain number of SciFi Cubes but also Some **** Points to obtain More Complex weapons, but basic handgun with a silencer can be just 10 SciFi Cube Awards.


    • 76 posts
    March 11, 2021 8:14 PM PST

    My suggestion: People who join the TS server have to pay 1k or something, Winner will get all the entrance fee.

    • 373 posts
    March 11, 2021 9:53 PM PST



    • 76 posts
    March 12, 2021 1:02 AM PST

    OK I am Stxpid

  • iZu
    • 2125 posts
    March 12, 2021 7:14 AM PST

    antonnovik said:



    explain these gambling laws

    • 373 posts
    March 13, 2021 11:11 AM PST

    And 1500 points ticket should be required to join TS Server. When you join the 1 hour timer starts for you. During that hour total winning points for you team should be greater and message will appear when it happens when the hour is up and you won a SciFi Cube. If you join spectator the spot is held for 7 minutes and if you do not return you get kicked and team looses let's say 25 points when someone quits or all the points they earned for the team. If you been kicked or quit - you are not allowed to join any TS Server for 1 hour. Those who just want to spectate also have to pay a ticket but select "Watch Only" button so they could stay. Ping of any player must be lower then 100 so they could join.