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Faerie said:ty appreciate ur help dearIf you no longer want to receive updates from this forum post, go to the top and click "stop watching topic"
you should be a mod
ethesoldier said:Farzblack said: Bye bro, take careI was lieng about leaving the game.
Why you lying about this when I take care of you a lot !?
You aren`t supposed to behave like that, be mature, and gain respect in this great community.
I wouldn`t let you off freely for the cause you made. I`m going to give u a very good lesson now.
Here the online lesson for you to learn via YouTube.
Click, watch and learn from how these people struggle to become a good citizen of Warmerise.
I do really hope you appreciate my lesson, thank you..
Your ex Daddy
Erlaanz said:Faerie said:ty appreciate ur help dearIf you no longer want to receive updates from this forum post, go to the top and click "stop watching topic"
https://prnt.sc/16cs2o7you should be a mod
true I should be