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    • 36 posts
    August 23, 2021 8:47 AM PDT

    why do people play warmerise like their life depends on the game

    like literaly those people only buy best of the best weapons.glitch and dont miss a single shot

    those people just kill the game.theres no tactics to defeat them for example

    you can have a G36 in mid range distance or a revolver

    and these tryhards will flip a 180 and headshot you

    so please.if any tryhards are reading this. stop ruining the game

    • 382 posts
    August 23, 2021 9:02 AM PDT
    • 1193 posts
    August 23, 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    I laughed seeing this

    • 2128 posts
    August 23, 2021 3:55 PM PDT
    To be honest the game isn’t outrageously difficult. If you would like to become good at this game I recommend just playing in random servers. Or if it’s an aim issue you have try playing other games like Doom or CSGO.
    • 109 posts
    August 23, 2021 6:30 PM PDT

    FilipKingMVP said:

    why do people play warmerise like their life depends on the game

    like literaly those people only buy best of the best weapons.glitch and dont miss a single shot

    those people just kill the game.theres no tactics to defeat them for example

    you can have a G36 in mid range distance or a revolver

    and these tryhards will flip a 180 and headshot you

    so please.if any tryhards are reading this. stop ruining the game

    I feel what your saying man. I was just in a match with a guy, he was killing me super bad and lagging like h3ll. I call him a wifi booster, then he said " it's not a myth that Americans have an IQ of 0". Like first I'm 99% sure it was a USA server; two you were lagging like a b!tch so I was thinking you were one of those 'cough (lag boosters) cough', three how the f#ck am I suppose to know your not from the USA you f#ck( your name was Asian, yes, but you could be a "weeaboo" so STFU). fu%ken r@cist fuc#(yes saying all us people from the U.S. have no intelligence is r@cist *not that needed explaining to anyone with half a working brain*)

    I'm so mad, this game is so fuc#ed. I really do try not to be toxic, but it's damn near a requirement to be toxic to win wtf. $hit anyone who says you can win without being toxic is capping. I mean yeah you can win and not be toxic, but the skill required almost makes it prohibitive. That's the problem really, "Easy - be toxic and win the game ", "UBER HARD MODE - win without using [car ramming, turret spamming, jet(not even I use that bs), any overly op gun, being a d!ck to your team, rocket spam or camping] and obtain {demigod}! like power. 

    Yeah right, anyone that good stopped playing this game long ago, for something better(and less toxic). It's just kinda sad, ain't it? 

    This post was edited by E01Zonder at August 23, 2021 6:34 PM PDT
    • 382 posts
    August 23, 2021 6:57 PM PDT

    E01Zonder said:

    FilipKingMVP said:

    why do people play warmerise like their life depends on the game

    like literaly those people only buy best of the best weapons.glitch and dont miss a single shot

    those people just kill the game.theres no tactics to defeat them for example

    you can have a G36 in mid range distance or a revolver

    and these tryhards will flip a 180 and headshot you

    so please.if any tryhards are reading this. stop ruining the game

    I feel what your saying man. I was just in a match with a guy, he was killing me super bad and lagging like h3ll. I call him a wifi booster, then he said " it's not a myth that Americans have an IQ of 0". Like first I'm 99% sure it was a USA server; two you were lagging like a b!tch so I was thinking you were one of those 'cough (lag boosters) cough', three how the f#ck am I suppose to know your not from the USA you f#ck( your name was Asian, yes, but you could be a "weeaboo" so STFU). fu%ken r@cist fuc#(yes saying all us people from the U.S. have no intelligence is r@cist *not that needed explaining to anyone with half a working brain*)

    I'm so mad, this game is so fuc#ed. I really do try not to be toxic, but it's damn near a requirement to be toxic to win wtf. $hit anyone who says you can win without being toxic is capping. I mean yeah you can win and not be toxic, but the skill required almost makes it prohibitive. That's the problem really, "Easy - be toxic and win the game ", "UBER HARD MODE - win without using [car ramming, turret spamming, jet(not even I use that bs), any overly op gun, being a d!ck to your team, rocket spam or camping] and obtain {demigod}! like power. 

    Yeah right, anyone that good stopped playing this game long ago, for something better(and less toxic). It's just kinda sad, ain't it? 


    • 2128 posts
    August 23, 2021 9:32 PM PDT

    whats funny is this community is probably the most toxic for a browser game

    • 109 posts
    August 24, 2021 1:03 AM PDT

    Manickaa said:

    whats funny is this community is probably the most toxic for a browser game

    Yea it's just plain sad, just makes me somber and miss the old days.

    Some of the only places more toxic than this game are, game modding forums/communities(high yah); fanfic forums/communities(fu#k no my eyes, go back); and those* kind of sketchy* JP, KR, CN "novel or comic" scan websites, where their mods are slacking, and have guys who like to post "sauce"[like oh what monster hunter is that from, give sauce please] as numbers, but they actually post some [FORBIDDEN NUMBERS] that lead to the worst comics that are around and legal{and won't get them IP baned} (**** I need to bleach my eyes and wash my self with industrial soap, fu%k NO get me the bleach) because they think it's funny, levels of toxic. 

    • 36 posts
    August 24, 2021 1:54 AM PDT

    well i didnt expect people to reply on this so if some didnt get this ill explain it

    if you dont know what tryhards are. there are some good and some bad but in this game there are only bad ones

    good ones have extremly good aim and dont miss and may sometimes teach new players which is wholesome.but in this case

    warmerise tryhards will make fun of you if they are better than you

    so what i mean by this post is

    tryharding is playing the game and trying the best you can to not d?e. many of these will be extremly toxic so if you ever ecounter any tryhard that is toxic just leave the game

    dont try to be toxic against them because then the situation gets worse

    i personaly reccomend that if someone says (MAGINE BEING SO BAD AT THE GAME LOL)

    just say (imagine this) and leave the game

    trust me. it will piss them off more that you think