Forums » Custom Maps

Max please give me an answer

    • 17 posts
    March 1, 2022 8:00 AM PST

    please tell me how to put the texture on the terrain and how to properly arrange the vegetation on the terrain

    • 74 posts
    March 2, 2022 10:01 AM PST

    And select the terrain texture which you want.

    Terrain trees may not work, terrain details can cause undesired effects. You may have to put them as separate objects on the map.

    BTW, I also want to remind about the bug of texturing terrain, which is still not fixed and applies to maps exported with new map exporter. Do you have that too?

    I have a strange feeling that only first terrain texture is OK, but all the rest are just painting the first texture to the dominant color of these textures ( )


    This post was edited by i3slkiller at March 2, 2022 10:05 AM PST
    • 17 posts
    March 2, 2022 10:12 AM PST

    thank you very much for your answer. and so I also have texture issues that make my map look like a swamp. And it's a bit ridiculous, because the developers added support for holes on the terrains and did not add support for the terrains themselves

    • 74 posts
    March 2, 2022 10:59 AM PST

    Terrain holes don't work even though, according to the description, it is supported

    • Moderator
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    March 2, 2022 5:37 PM PST
    i3slkiller said:

    Terrain holes don't work even though, according to the description, it is supported

    There is a bug in the current version regarding terrain holes. Try it in the testing version and let me know if it works there.
    • 74 posts
    March 3, 2022 12:39 AM PST

    Terrain holes are now working (in testing version ofc). There is still an issue with texturing terrain on the map exported with new map exporter described on 2nd post (terrain in the map exported with old map exporter don't have this issue - tested on 2021.2.3f1 and 2021.2.12f1).

    In testing version, there is a bug with showing part of vehicle on undesirable places. It may also happen on other maps.

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 3, 2022 7:11 AM PST

    @i3slkiller Try the testing version again and let me know if it's Ok now.

    • 74 posts
    March 3, 2022 11:12 AM PST

    I noticed that bug with "with showing part of vehicle on undesirable places" is now fixed.

    About terrain textures:
    * on 'SampleScene.wrm' file exported using (new exporter) only the first texture looks good, next ones have wrong colors (although I noticed earlier that it only colors the first texture a different color, hmm... )
    * on 'SampleScene' exported using WMCustomMaps.unitypackage (old exporter) all terrain textures looks well

    On both SampleScenes I used the same textures showed on 2nd post.

    I will send just sent these files to @Max


    This post was edited by i3slkiller at March 3, 2022 11:22 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 3, 2022 5:51 PM PST

    @i3slkiller Just updated testing version, terrain textures should now load correctly.

    • 74 posts
    March 3, 2022 11:44 PM PST

    Thank you, @Max. Now all terrain textures are displaying properly (hope that will be so in final 2.6.8 version).

    • 17 posts
    March 4, 2022 2:33 AM PST

    @Max I have a map "Spaceport", but due to the update the door on it stopped opening, because of which it received a lot of bad reviews and it is impossible to play on it. I managed to fix this with updates, but for some reason they didn't accept it. Can this be fixed or do I need to redo the map?

    This post was edited by dimak07 at March 4, 2022 2:38 AM PST
    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 4, 2022 7:44 AM PST

    dimak07 said:

    @Max I have a map "Spaceport", but due to the update the door on it stopped opening, because of which it received a lot of bad reviews and it is impossible to play on it. I managed to fix this with updates, but for some reason they didn't accept it. Can this be fixed or do I need to redo the map?

    If you can upload the version with the doors fixed I will review and accept it manually.

    • 17 posts
    March 4, 2022 10:01 AM PST

    Max said:

    dimak07 said:

    @Max I have a map "Spaceport", but due to the update the door on it stopped opening, because of which it received a lot of bad reviews and it is impossible to play on it. I managed to fix this with updates, but for some reason they didn't accept it. Can this be fixed or do I need to redo the map?

    If you can upload the version with the doors fixed I will review and accept it manually.

    thank you very much for that. I have already posted an update

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    March 4, 2022 12:35 PM PST

    dimak07 said:

    thank you very much for that. I have already posted an update

    Something appears to be wrong with the approval process, the map was approved but the old version is still loading. Can you reupload the map file again? Will make sure it's approved this time.

    • 17 posts
    March 5, 2022 2:56 AM PST

    Max said:

    dimak07 said:

    thank you very much for that. I have already posted an update

    Something appears to be wrong with the approval process, the map was approved but the old version is still loading. Can you reupload the map file again? Will make sure it's approved this time.

    @ Max I do not control the first version, which is currently published, I only have the second version. but when I publish a second version that works, I am notified that the "Allpoints" object was not found. before the second version is published, there is only the first version in the game, which I do not control, and after the second version is published, the same error occurs. i delete map, I will rework it            

    This post was edited by dimak07 at March 5, 2022 3:02 AM PST
    • 17 posts
    April 19, 2022 2:16 AM PDT

    Max said:

    dimak07 said:

    thank you very much for that. I have already posted an update

    Something appears to be wrong with the approval process, the map was approved but the old version is still loading. Can you reupload the map file again? Will make sure it's approved this time.

    @Max please accept my map "Spaceport" as it has been waiting for a month. With 51 points

    This post was edited by dimak07 at April 19, 2022 2:16 AM PDT