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Player greifing issues

    • 2129 posts
    October 21, 2022 2:35 PM PDT

    There is a problem amongst some of the players in this game. I noticed while playing today and on many occasions that members of the top 100 are greifing while playing. As soon as you damage them just a little bit they run over anc commit suicide with mines and M67s so that you cannot kill them. I will not say names but both of these players exhibited toxic behaviour such as saying "ez" teabagging and attempting to kick me from servers. They also follow me around saying "Castiel Lost" in the spectator mode. There should be a penalty for this type of behaviour.

    • 377 posts
    October 21, 2022 3:12 PM PDT

    at this point, we all just need to play something else.

    • 956 posts
    October 21, 2022 5:33 PM PDT

    no, we have to report these people, and we need to make some prevention or cool down for crouching very fast, becuase people "teabag" while trying to kill someone, like a tryhard would do. and its annoying. i don't like the sweaty behavoir these people show. I always say "please play normally" like they should, but they continue to do this, most likely becuase they want more $$$$. even though they already have everything they need. i say to get these people to stop sweating around and "tryharding", i want to make the rich all just give their $$$$ forcefully, so others can have a chance to get stuff. so using psycology (I think how the brain works or the study of the brain), we need to make them stop thinking that they still need stuff, by forcefully giving away. sorry if that sounds confusing.

    • 41 posts
    October 21, 2022 5:55 PM PDT

    Wait, so teabagging is considered greifing? I might be in a bit of trouble now. 

    • 212 posts
    October 21, 2022 6:16 PM PDT

    No lol, teabagging combined with other things like trying kick your off the server, now that's when you know the teabagging is not for fun.

    • 377 posts
    October 22, 2022 9:37 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said:

    no, we have to report these people, and we need to make some prevention or cool down for crouching very fast, becuase people "teabag" while trying to kill someone, like a tryhard would do. and its annoying. i don't like the sweaty behavoir these people show. I always say "please play normally" like they should, but they continue to do this, most likely becuase they want more $$$$. even though they already have everything they need. i say to get these people to stop sweating around and "tryharding", i want to make the rich all just give their $$$$ forcefully, so others can have a chance to get stuff. so using psycology (I think how the brain works or the study of the brain), we need to make them stop thinking that they still need stuff, by forcefully giving away. sorry if that sounds confusing.

    teabag them back, its not that hard

    • 956 posts
    October 22, 2022 9:44 AM PDT

    well we need them to stop doing this, so its less toxic. teabaging is pretty rude and toxic, and its even more when they teabag then jump to kill themselfs. and if you teabag them back they are going to get mad and when they kill you they will do it harder. it will start a rivalry in the match.