You can now sponsor the tournament cash prize pool on the Event Page found here:
Sniping Skirmish Trailer is now available:
Five more days to register. If you have not registered and wish to participate, please fill out the application form:
Here is a more accurate representation of the current Sniping Skirmish bracket. The first screenshot is the Winner's Bracket, and the the second screenshot is the Loser's Bracket. The scores indicated as 0-0 were no matches in which no player for either party connected. Thank you to all that participated today. Keep an eye out for further messages regarding the next rounds.
Here again is a more accurate representation of the current Sniping Skirmish bracket. The first screenshot represents the Winner's Bracket, and the the second screenshot portrays the Loser's Bracket. The scores indicated as 0-0 were for the matches in which no player on either party connected. Thank you to all that participated today. Keep an eye out for further messages regarding the next rounds.
Dispater said:
wait, there was an event in 2022?
Tecnically there were 2 events... but in snipskir a lot of participants didn't show up.