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    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 8:38 AM PST

    hi, PLEASE MAX, make this into the game. its a throwing knife by my own design!

    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 8:40 AM PST

    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 8:47 AM PST

    and yes, i know. its a bad model but thats only becuase I took 10 minutes on this thing and im not very experienced

    • 539 posts
    November 11, 2022 2:26 PM PST
    It's a good start, you should keep refining the model.

    I've done a bit of 3D modeling, so I'm interested in seeing the model wireframe or without textures
    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 2:27 PM PST

    you want me to get rid of the textures? and how will i refine it?

    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 2:39 PM PST

    well here is the un textured model (my textures were deleted somehow)

    • 609 posts
    November 11, 2022 3:27 PM PST

    I like the model.

    in my opinion should now direct your attention to texture work, a good texture can prop up a model.

    However, how would this be diferent from the tomahawks?

    • 539 posts
    November 11, 2022 4:23 PM PST
    I disagree, I think the model needs more work. The blade is a pretty narrow triangle and the handle is substantiallly longer than the blade. The handle is also really boxy, which looks un-ergonomic. The extra bit at the bottom of the grip looks like it would make throwing impossible.

    All of these are easy fixes, which is why I suggested a bit of refinement before commiting to a texture (because this is Maya and uv unwrapping is a pain in the ***)
    • 609 posts
    November 11, 2022 5:18 PM PST

    I assume the goal is to make it resemble a shuriken thinguies all the naruto kids talk about so the shape is as intended I believe

    • 2129 posts
    November 11, 2022 7:30 PM PST
    Now the flaming throwing knife from call of duty is where it’s at.
    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 7:33 PM PST

    heck no, not some anime garbage. im talking about a throwing knife. and also, it would be similar to the tomahawk but more striaght and focused, also weaker since it is smaller. it would do 50 damage per hit, but the head does 101. so chrono, how will I make it better? delete the edge? I want a good handle

    • 956 posts
    November 11, 2022 7:34 PM PST

    i just want a simple throwing knife. so yeah (i should have quoted STERBEN's thing)

    • 2129 posts
    November 11, 2022 7:56 PM PST
    It looks like a kunai
    • 539 posts
    November 11, 2022 8:12 PM PST
    This is the least cringe throwing knife I could find:

    Notice how the blade has a mostly straight back, with a curved edge. Also see that the end of the handle is smooth so that it doesn't get caught on anything as it's thrown
    • 956 posts
    November 12, 2022 9:33 AM PST

    i will work on it, the only reason why its bad is because i wanted it to be a sci fi looking throwing knife. so...

    • 956 posts
    November 12, 2022 9:37 AM PST

    all i want is max to see this and think its good or not for the game. I've wanted throwing knives for a while.

    • 956 posts
    November 12, 2022 10:22 AM PST

    ok i have more screenshots. is this good for the blade? (don't complain about the 2D looking part. idk how to fix that. i tried pushing it out but the blue cube doesen't effect it). i also added some slight design changes

    This post was edited by Spacetrooper at November 12, 2022 10:48 AM PST