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    • 25 posts
    December 13, 2022 3:10 PM PST
    Majesty said:

    Castiel said: I’ve heard a lot of controversy over this. You should only ban or disqualify people that actually violate rules.
    One thing I hate, is to back and forth unnessarily on the internet. It doesn't matter what anyone tells you. The rules of the event were stated, if ANYONE is toxic or causing drama within the event; being toxic/disrespectful to any of the hosts or other participants, they will be banned from my server and disqualified from the event. I do not need, nor did I ask for your 2 cents within the event, if you're not ineterested in participating, there's no need for you to comment here. 

  • December 13, 2022 3:12 PM PST

    Castiel said: I’ve heard a lot of controversy over this. You should only ban or disqualify people that actually violate rules.

    Since you're so 'concerned' about what I do in my server. The rules were posted on the event page and my server has its own rules. If any of the rules are broken then whomeevr that broke them, will be out.

    There is NO controversy. I have people participating in the event that I do not speak with, they saw the rules and are abiding by them.NO TOXCITY ALLOWED. Thank you, next.

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 13, 2022 3:14 PM PST
  • December 13, 2022 3:13 PM PST

    ShinYuna said: Its @Abyss not Crew ;)
    Okay, unbanned. 

    • 2129 posts
    December 13, 2022 3:46 PM PST
    Majesty said:

    Castiel said: I’ve heard a lot of controversy over this. You should only ban or disqualify people that actually violate rules.

    Since you're so 'concerned' about what I do in my server. The rules were posted on the event page and my server has its own rules. If any of the rules are broken then whomeevr that broke them, will be out.

    There is NO controversy. I have people participating in the event that I do not speak with, they saw the rules and are abiding by them.NO TOXCITY ALLOWED. Thank you, next.

    You need to learn to take criticism and how to be somewhat professional when running an event. It’s a suggestion. Also “causing drama” is somewhat vague. You might want to either restructure that rule so that it’s more direct or remove it entirely. I would recommend looking at rules and procedures from past tournaments as they are professionally written and effective.
  • December 13, 2022 4:19 PM PST
    Ew, talking to you is making me ick... i am definitely not going to back and forth with you to prove any type of point, it is not a tendency of mine. Worry about you and yours and not me and mine. I won't be responding to anything else said by you. You're just always so negative and giving irrelevant opinions. I wouldn't want to be so intrusive and feel proud about it.

    Anyway, please stop responding on this topic if you're not interested in participating in the event. Because, none of the participants of the event have an issue with how I'm running it.

    End of discussion.
    This post was edited by Deleted Member at December 13, 2022 5:18 PM PST
    • 2129 posts
    December 13, 2022 4:30 PM PST

    Just suggestions

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    December 13, 2022 4:33 PM PST

    When someone is banned from somewhere (and was genuinely being toxic), they will not always admit that they were wrong. Therefore without any factual evidence, any such accusations can be considered a form of toxic behavior.

    Edit: By accusations, I mean "This user did not deserve the ban" but the only user that saying that is the one that got banned.

    This post was edited by Admin at December 13, 2022 4:38 PM PST
    • 31 posts
    December 13, 2022 5:12 PM PST
    The 2 person's that were banned from the event were being disrespectful, toxic and wanted to start unnecessary conflicts. Multiple people in the discord server saw them and what they did which is why Majesty disqualified them from the event. Yes, some warmerise players were banned from her server but not from the event.. they had past conflicts with her, wasnt interested in the tournament, so she banned them from her discord server. Rules are made to be followed and not broken.
    • 12 posts
    December 13, 2022 7:20 PM PST

    I'll be participating with Barbsie. Our Team name is HAIL FUJ

    • 653 posts
    December 13, 2022 8:41 PM PST

    Castiel said:

    Just suggestions

    Well now you know her.

    • 25 posts
    December 13, 2022 10:34 PM PST
    Yea i was toxic :)
  • December 14, 2022 1:55 AM PST
    Please, stop commenting on this topic if you're NOT participating in the tournament. Your opinions are irrelevant and I don't care to see them. Thanks!
    Side note: We close off on adding teams today at 6 p.m EST. If you sent me a message on discord with your teammate name, please check your discord if you haven't in days.
    Thank you to everyone that cooperated with the rules and followed all instructions ♡♡
  • December 14, 2022 9:24 AM PST

    Majesty said: Ew, talking to you is making me ick... i am definitely not going to back and forth with you to prove any type of point, it is not a tendency of mine. Worry about you and yours and not me and mine. I won't be responding to anything else said by you. You're just always so negative and giving irrelevant opinions. I wouldn't want to be so intrusive and feel proud about it. Anyway, please stop responding on this topic if you're not interested in participating in the event. Because, none of the participants of the event have an issue with how I'm running it. End of discussion.

    shoes mad

    • 58 posts
    December 14, 2022 1:46 PM PST

    Carlbot said: I am new i want to participate for cash

    • 96 posts
    December 15, 2022 3:32 AM PST

    WARMERlSE said:

    Majesty said: Ew, talking to you is making me ick... i am definitely not going to back and forth with you to prove any type of point, it is not a tendency of mine. Worry about you and yours and not me and mine. I won't be responding to anything else said by you. You're just always so negative and giving irrelevant opinions. I wouldn't want to be so intrusive and feel proud about it. Anyway, please stop responding on this topic if you're not interested in participating in the event. Because, none of the participants of the event have an issue with how I'm running it. End of discussion.

    shoes mad


    • 3 posts
    December 15, 2022 10:38 AM PST
    Applications will close at 6 PM EST 15.12.2022!
    This post was edited by Phantasma at December 15, 2022 10:42 AM PST
  • December 15, 2022 2:32 PM PST
    All participants, please check your discord. You have a few updates from me in regards to the tournament.
    • 30 posts
    December 15, 2022 5:23 PM PST

    heyyyyyy, can i particpate ?? or the accebting closed?

  • December 15, 2022 7:50 PM PST
    No, not accepting anyone else. We met our requirement, thanks for being interested.
    • 30 posts
    December 15, 2022 11:43 PM PST

    Unfortunately :(

  • December 16, 2022 3:35 AM PST
    I heard that there is another event, you can participate in that one, as I told the others who couldn't play in this one. Good luck with everything!
  • December 16, 2022 5:07 PM PST

    Sorry, this is how the stream was sent to me, if you'd like to watch the match while it is playing, the next set of match will be tomorrow at 10:00 a.m EST , 12p.m. EST, 2 p.m. EST and 4 p.m. EST. All of the matches tomorrow will be streamed by xeyal.

    The first match between chrono &sterben99 vs eve and evil princess, was streamed on twitch, but unfortunately it wasn't saved.

    If you'd like to see all matches, please join the streams/lives will be be shared.
    • 30 posts
    December 16, 2022 11:46 PM PST

    i guess evil princess will win XD

    • 34 posts
    December 17, 2022 7:00 AM PST

    @maj me and Xottiic we playing y arnt we in it?

  • December 17, 2022 7:26 AM PST

    10:00 a.m. EST (Match got postponed, "Team J", didn't show up)

    (Team J) Shinyuna & Dagonixx (DISQUALIFIED

    (Team D) Player441 & Superhuman (match will be rescheduled with another team)