Few other things but don't forget to use common sense that is the most important part.
1. Discover your play-style
Every player has there own play-style. You can find your's based on your skills and your flaws. What are you good at doing? What do you need help with?
For example: My play-style is rushing in full force with the G36 and Tomahawks. My flaw is getting sniped from far-range or getting hit by a hummer on hummer maps.
2. Choose a gun type
Pick up different guns to test them out. If you're good at camping from far away or up high you should probably use a sniper. If you happen to be one of the rushers, like myself, you'd be best with an automatic weapon.
For example: Sky players often stick back by their base (especially if on blue team) and snipe from a distance.
3. Learn to counter enemies
If you're getting rushed and can't use your regular style, you get frustrated and can't fight back easily. That's why you should learn how to counter the other team. If they rush you with powerful automatics like the G36 or Carbine, go in a corner and use a shield (you'd need upgrades) if you have to. If they have an RPG, you can see it coming and avoid taking much damage.
For example: If they rush you with automatics, grab an automatic yourself!
prolyphic said:Buy a cape, use a gravity gun, and put a clan tag in your name.
After that, call everyone a noob and generally act like a self-righteous tool whilst telling everyone how good you are.
Works for a lot of users out there.
Just my 2 cents.
I fell in love with you, will you date me?
Play Doom Eternal(PC version), on nightmare difficulty, that game is the best trainer to improve aiming, movility, ammo management and mechanics to change guns faster.
Here some links if u want to see of what im talking about
ay guys, can I get some help please. my kd has went from like 2.7 to 1.98 (shhesh), bro the high ping carbine users just turn me into a bullet sponge, the pros use op sniper to turn me in to swiss cheese, the shame less guys use jet to turn me in to paste.Im getting obliterated, smacked, dusted, washed up by these guys what do I do?. It just dosent get any better, and I can barely work up motivation to play this game because of it.
damn, the only reason I haven't left yet is because 1( I have 11 friends on this game 2( my rank is still going up (1004 rank of rn) it would be a waste to leave now, should I really just cut my losses and leave playing for now or just power through the slump?