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Difficult times

    • 2129 posts
    May 1, 2023 8:02 AM PDT


    • 59 posts
    May 1, 2023 8:04 AM PDT

    why you guys talkin ab this crap and not ab what Max is saying? bruh

    Just ask for easy to make things not a bunch of 20 GB things

    • 14 posts
    May 4, 2023 3:09 AM PDT
    Still waiting beside an empty grave with an already dryed bunch of flowers for shut down to give the game the last honor...
    • 71 posts
    May 4, 2023 3:45 AM PDT

    Warmerise can stay alive; we only need more active players. Kindly try to invite your friends, advertise on YouTube, and use Discord-like places.

    • 480 posts
    May 4, 2023 7:02 AM PDT

    Pakistan786 said:

    Warmerise can stay alive; we only need more active players. Kindly try to invite your friends, advertise on YouTube, and use Discord-like places.

    I agree, we can do this, we can bring the game back to its former glory if we continue to support it, I've tried many times to advertise on Discord, and some people we're familiar with it, but they said they are busier with other game platforms these days, browser games aren't much of a trend nowadays...

    • 105 posts
    May 4, 2023 11:55 AM PDT

    LightningStorm said:

    Pakistan786 said:

    Warmerise can stay alive; we only need more active players. Kindly try to invite your friends, advertise on YouTube, and use Discord-like places.

    I agree, we can do this, we can bring the game back to its former glory if we continue to support it, I've tried many times to advertise on Discord, and some people we're familiar with it, but they said they are busier with other game platforms these days, browser games aren't much of a trend nowadays...

    Exactly, that's why we need it on Steam

    • 42 posts
    May 5, 2023 12:12 PM PDT

    Spacetrooper, are you saying Max should make a version of this game where people play against bots? If not, what do you mean?

    • 179 posts
    May 5, 2023 2:19 PM PDT

    Thanks MAX! I understand!


    Best to you!

    • 15 posts
    May 5, 2023 2:40 PM PDT

    why he does just sell the game to because theres so many people on that site to support the game 

    • 15 posts
    May 5, 2023 2:51 PM PDT

    why he does just sell the game to because theres so many people on that site to support the game  if he just listened to the community that says  keep the older maps like island 2016 and snowwar and the other good custom maps that were taken down with bad updates  with quick play that lags the game out u would have 400 people players playing island 2016 and snow war why not msg the original creators of the maps and remake the maps or reupload the original maps the island 22 has so much going on in the base and its not about hiding in the sniper towers  and getting a advantage in high hill areas of the map island 22 u get a jeep and u hide in the cave and u get full access to enemy without them knowing their there until u go down then specating where there at RIP Warmerise 

    • 78 posts
    May 5, 2023 3:17 PM PDT

    its all good 

    • 956 posts
    May 5, 2023 3:56 PM PDT
    Bro, theisland2016 had WAY too many spawn campers, too big, and too much of a hassle to get around. The new Theisland2022 is just the same but at 20 FPS max. Snow war was too small and too much of a grinding map, like doors. I bet you want these maps to come back so you can just grind XP all day. That’s what every single try hard in the game says. They want the original snow war and the island back just to farm. And come on, we need more maps that actually are good. Not just a box with 4 pillars (snow war). Custom maps are giving me a headache now, since the only official map I see is “secret lab”, but that is only for Sky servers. I don’t care if you want to put some emotional nostalgia moments about snow war or the island, because that doesn’t do anything. Just because it’s original that doesn’t mean it’s better. Max needs to add more maps himself. I personally think the updates are getting better, because I’m not that guy who criticizes the updates just because their way of farming is removed. The biggest flaw of this game (or how I look at it) is the cash grinding. It’s not fun when everyone in the server goes on their own and starts stealing and killing the entire team just for XP.
    • 15 posts
    May 5, 2023 5:14 PM PDT

    spacetrooper i can't believe that ur saying what ur saying bcz the game takes forever to get weapons like if it was 10xp non headshot it would be ok but u dont complain about  when u have shield spammers rpg users plasma thats he's never nerded u don't want to eat crow in game chat so stop defening the doors and modern city there farming maps but snow war was removed bcz of sweaty tryhards like u that probably got ur ase  rocked at snowwar by nades and mines and u coudn't win so u complained like all the other sweats in the game so the rest of the players can't have a good time playing i woudn't have said snow war remaster if the game didn't take forever to get weapons like people don't have time to play all day long btw if ur getting ur kils stolen ur probably bad at game so get good at and change ur controls because the default ones are just ase if he add new vehicles keep the old maps that had glitchs he would have never  posted this ppl would keep playing and arguing in game chat like normal but in the end of the day he could just make the weapons cheaper and no body would complain and if they did other decent people in the game chat which there hardly is anymore because of all the good maps taken away because they were to close but thats the fun of the game if u don't like snowwar thats find don't play that server thats running that map don't complain about farming because he made a mistake of making the guns to high also u do have to cazh grind because thats the best part of the game to get that 25k carbine to make people like u rage quit and leave so others can enjoy and have a good time i love when people like u say for example players that use auto don't have any skill if ur using carbine and ur aiming is good and u get 6 kill feed thats really good but i don't like people spamming the mines in the game because doors u can hide the arourmy and spam the mines and get kills if people with grav go past it slowly or if ppl go past it the rpg is like the most usless weapon in the game and its for farming but u never see people use it on jeeps 

    modern city another farming map if u don't like small maps for farming good play bullet force or go play pac man u probably will be better at that other then that u have skill issue spawn campers are on everymap u can't do any thing about that 

    • 956 posts
    May 5, 2023 5:22 PM PDT
    Tell me, what happens when new people are spawn camped by carbine users in snow war? Or spawn killed by snipers in the island? I actually did very good and got around 300 minimum XP per snow war match. The thing about this game is everyone fights just for cash, which is a problem. Games like these that are cash related are pretty bad due to spawn campers with the most OP stuff. If both teams had a goal to do, like bomb mode in TF2, or capture the flag, then that would be cool. But instead, this game has no goal or modes that force people to work together. And very nice rant you just coughed up.
    • 212 posts
    May 5, 2023 9:01 PM PDT

    TheIsland2016 is that nostalgic cus it was good and enjoyable NOT the other way around and there was no issue with the map it was removed by the map creator just for his motives and preferences.

    • 2 posts
    May 6, 2023 7:05 AM PDT

    I want those 2 maps back

    • 1193 posts
    May 6, 2023 7:12 AM PDT

    Idk why is everyone addicted to island map, just large grass map wawwww so cooooool :OOOOOO me big fan!!

    • 415 posts
    May 6, 2023 7:50 AM PDT
    Aetoyn said:

    Idk why is everyone addicted to island map, just large grass map wawwww so cooooool :OOOOOO me big fan!!

    ^coooooool !
    • 212 posts
    May 6, 2023 12:09 PM PDT

    Why does it bother you?

    Why do you think something is exclusive bad just because YOU don't like it?

    Why do you think that your taste is automatically absolute and therefore the right thing for everyone?

    What makes you think that everyone has the same taste as you?

    How could you look someone in the eyes and not realize that it is other person with different whys and whats?

    Do you think and/or do you want everyone to have the same opinions and tastes as you?

    Have you ever realized that you live with OTHER PEOPLE around you and have you thought about what that implies or could mean?


    Idk why everyone is addicted to criticize what other ppl like and never think 4 a moment that ,maybe, OTHER people like OTHER things.

    • 179 posts
    May 7, 2023 10:10 AM PDT

    Ok rid of all my album picture to help out.

    • 956 posts
    May 7, 2023 12:50 PM PDT
    There was no other choice Wolfseeker, he had to
    • 179 posts
    May 7, 2023 1:03 PM PDT

    Np completely understand MAX's point and stand.

    • 98 posts
    May 9, 2023 5:16 AM PDT

    Well, it was going to happen some day. I only ask that should you ever decide to close the game, that you keep the website up and running with our profiles intact. Warmerise isn't only a game, it's a community of people who even though may be challenged in some aspects of their cognitive ability, have great memories with the forums/posts etc. It would also be nice to receive some updates about you also if the game decided to close down. Wishing you well.  

    • 539 posts
    May 9, 2023 5:56 AM PDT

    Kazuya said:

    Well, it was going to happen some day. I only ask that should you ever decide to close the game, that you keep the website up and running with our profiles intact. Warmerise isn't only a game, it's a community of people who even though may be challenged in some aspects of their cognitive ability, have great memories with the forums/posts etc. It would also be nice to receive some updates about you also if the game decided to close down. Wishing you well.  

    Website hosting isnt free, so in the event the game becomes completely unsustainable there's very little chance that the website remains.

    • 480 posts
    May 9, 2023 7:25 AM PDT

    Warmerise will stay.