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Report Hackers And Cheaters Thread

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    • 113 posts
    July 1, 2019 8:51 AM PDT
    Saaransh123 said:
    I did not interfere in the gameplay, what do you blame me for?
    . The use of hacks in the game is not allowed and the punishment is the prohibition to continue in the game
    • 5 posts
    July 1, 2019 8:54 AM PDT

    Airwolf said:
    Saaransh123 said:

    I did not interfere in the gameplay, what do you blame me for?

    . The use of hacks in the game is not allowed and the punishment is the prohibition to continue in the game

    Okay, I won't do this anymore


    • 50 posts
    July 1, 2019 9:58 AM PDT

    • 50 posts
    July 1, 2019 9:58 AM PDT

    Here is another proof of what he was doing

    • 2 posts
    July 1, 2019 3:35 PM PDT

    Glitcher found a few minutes ago.


    • 179 posts
    July 2, 2019 12:28 PM PDT
    He abuse that glitch...
    • 3 posts
    July 8, 2019 4:57 AM PDT

    ustedes todos son hackeros no me junto mas xD

    que hackeros que son

    • 21 posts
    July 20, 2019 7:26 AM PDT




    Summary: The user has 4073 kills and only 11 deaths, which is obviously impossible unless they use cheats influencing either statistics or gameplay.

    • 66 posts
    July 20, 2019 5:00 PM PDT
    Lmao that's probably letsplay
    • 179 posts
    July 20, 2019 5:49 PM PDT
    :0 xp i think he is a Xp Farmer but idk about hacks
    • 376 posts
    July 20, 2019 11:35 PM PDT


    • 113 posts
    July 21, 2019 5:32 AM PDT

    Profile Link:



    Map Name: DIE-RISE

    Screenshot / Video:   ToyStory  Video 1

                                    ToyStory Video 2

                                     ToyStory Video 3

                                     xZaKros Video 4

                                     xZaKros Video 5

                                     xZakros  Video 6

                                        xZaKros Video 7

                                     xZaKros Video 8

    Summary: Cheaters

    Max, these players abuse the flaw that the game has. Each time they die they immediately leave the server so that the system does not update the statistical data and thus keep their KDR very high with the purpose of keeping the clan SKY in the first positions (see screenshot) ) whose owner is@Pantera(Ex Bengala)

    Players@JoseMaria2004 and @Pantera account administrator@xZaKroS

    See comments on josemaria2004's second account:  


    Max: I ask you to prohibit ToyStory and to xZaKroS and also get him out of the clan SKY so that they are not included to the 2 players to the average of the clan that takes to the first positions.


    1)      1) Detail of Video 1ToyStory

    -          In 2:00 ToyStory jump from the building diagonally(Max: Is it possible to make this jump?)

    -          En 3:30 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately.

    -          En 4:05 ToyStory come back to the game

    -          En 7:00 ToyStory jump from one building to another (Max: Is it possible to make this jump?)

    -          En 7:50 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately.

    -          En 8:21 ToyStory come back to the game

    -          En 8:47 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately.

    -          En 9:16 ToyStory come back to the game

    -          En 19:38 ToyStory ends the game with 20 kills and zero deaths


    2)      Detail of Video 2 ToyStory

    -          In 0:33 enter @JoseMaria2004 and asks ToyStory for his brother@Pantera

    -          In 0:48 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately

    -          In 1:33 ToyStory come back to the game

    -          In 1:49 ToyStory respond to JoseMaria2004 what @Pantera(brother of ToyStory) He was at home having dinner and he left a while ago.

    -          5:48 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately

    -          6:26 ToyStory come back to the game

    -          10:11 ToyStory ends the game with 7 kills and zero deaths


    3)      Detail of Video 3 ToyStory

    -          In 1:00 ToyStory dies and leaves the map immediately and does not return.


    4)      Detalle del Video 4 xZaKros

    -          In 0:57 xZaKros dies and leaves the map immediately.

    -          En 1:38 xZaKros come back to the game

    -          En 2:25 xZaKros dies and leaves the map immediately

    -          En 2:52 xZaKros come back to the game

    -          En 6:08 xZaKros dies and leaves the map immediately. xZaKros can not come back because the map is full..


    5)      Detail of Video 5 xZaKros

    -          In this video you will enter@JoseMaria2004 as an unregistered user “Matenme” to help xZaKros with some kills.

    -          In 1:16 enter the unregistered account “mátenme” to help xZaKros

    -          In 1:50  the unregistered account (“mátenme”) says (- zakros xd)

    -          In 2:10 xZaKros says “josejo?”( referring to the registered player JoseMaria2004)

    -          In 2:13 “mátenme” he answers “Si” to xZaKroS

    -          In 2:55 the unregistered account (“mátenme”) enter the blue team to helpxZaKroS with some kills

    -          In 3:18 the unregistered account (“mátenme”) he asks xZaKroS  (-where are you?) 

    -          In 3:23 xZaKroS he answers “I am up” to the unregistered account(“mátenme”)

    -          In 3:28 the unregistered account(“mátenme”) He tells(“kill me xd”) to xZaKroS


    6)      Detail of Video 6 xZaKroS continuation of Video 5

    -          In 0:09 xZaKroS make HeadShoot to your partner the unregistered user(“matenme”)

    -          In 0:22 xZaKroS make HeadShoot to your partner the unregistered user(“matenme”)

    -          In 0:45 xZaKros Tells your partner with the unregistered user account(“mantenme”) (-It would be good to buy mines so they do not bother you from behind) to the account xZaKros what they use in common @JoseMaria2004 y @Pantera

    -          In 0:54 the unregistered user account(“mantenme”) he says to xZaKroS (-the first weapon has to be gravity)

    -          In 1:24 his partner(“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (- i’m down)

    -          In 1:32 xZaKroS Kills Down Your Partner(“matenme”)

    -          In 1:42 the unregistered account(“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (-I’m down again xD)

    -          In 1:54 xZaKroS make head shoot  to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”).

    -          In 3:00 xZaKroS make head shoot  to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”).

    -          In 3:09 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (-I'm down.)

    -          In 3:15 xZaKros search below the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”) but xZaKroS dies and leaves the map immediately.

    -          In 3:50 xZaKros come back to the game

    -          In 4:00 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (- xD For cheating in the game.)

    -          In 5:36 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) appears where this xZaKroS without resisting hoping that @xZaKroS killed him and xZaKroS make HeadShoot to the non-registered accomplice account(“matenme”)

    -          In 5:44 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) says (- xD kill home delivery)

    -          In 7:03 xZaKroS kill the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”)

    -          In 7:17 xZaKroS make headshoot to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”)

    -          In 7:35 xZaKroS make headshoot to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”)

    -          In 8:51 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) says (- kill me) to xZaKroS

    -          In 9:13 xZaKroS make headshoot the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) without resisting.

    -          In 9:27 xZaKroS make headshoot to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”)


    -          In 10:02 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) he stands still at his base waiting for xZaKros kill him andxZaKroS make HeadShoot.

    -          In 10:13 xZaKroS ends with 20 kills and zero deaths


    7)      Detail of Video 7 xZaKroS continuation of Video 6


    -          In 0:05 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (-How much did you earn xp?)

    -          In 0:08 xZaKroS make headshoot to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”)

    -          In 0:33 xZaKroS answer the question and say (-I think I won 600 xp or more 748 xp)

    -          In 0:41 xZaKroS make headshoot to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”)

    -          In 1:02 xZakros he says he leaves but later returns

    -          In 1:05 the unregistered accomplice account (“matenme”) he says to xZaKroS (- ok, I follow (It refers to continue using the account. xZaKros to continue increasing the  “KDR”)

    -          In 1:14 xZaKros responds to the non-registered accomplice account (“matenme”) (- go ahead, come in)

    -          In 1:51 xZaKroS tells your partner with an unregistered account (“matenme”) (-I'm down on blue base)

    -          In 2:26 xZaKroS dies and leaves the map immediately so that the system does not update the death. And also leaves the map your partner with unregistered account (“matenme”) and they do not come back..


    8)      Detail of Video 8

    -          In this video it is seen as proof that the user @josemaria2004 and the user @pantera administer the account between both xZaKroS to raise the KDR cheating in the game to achieve the first place in the ranking as he did LetsPlay(Banned)/ToyStory with the clans “CONDOR” and “MATRIX” see screenshot we all know that LetsPlay he had very high his “KDR”  and for that reason he was first in the ranking of clans.

    -          In 0:09 @pantera it says we are ranking 5 to @josemaria2004

    -          In 0:18 @josemaria2004 Says: home to the clan “just do it” to @pantera

    -          In 0:19 @pantera says: Yes to @josemaria2004

    -          In 0:27 @pantera says: we have to upload the “KDR” to get away from the clan “just do it” to @josemaria2004

    -          In 0:38 @josemaria2004 says: I want to go up xZaKros(KDR) so I can join the clan again (SKY)

    -          The rest of the video does not matter anymore.

    -          See comments on josemaria2004's second account:  



    • 21 posts
    July 21, 2019 6:32 AM PDT

    @Airwolf has proven without any doubt that these players are cheaters. The game's rules clearly require players to accept both fall damage and deaths' influence on their statistics. Abusing glitches means avoiding the consequences of the game's rules and is thus against the rules. Especially because in their case it leads to an unfair advantage in clan ranking. 

    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 9:17 AM PDT
    I mean that playing legally and taking advantage of a mistake in the game is a reason for ban? In any case, do not eliminate accounts that do not use bots or hacks, fix the game.
    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 9:18 AM PDT
    And Zakros isnt my account, :D
    • 21 posts
    July 21, 2019 9:53 AM PDT
    Taking advantage of games' mistakes does not qualify as "playing legally", and I have already explained why. There's a reason, why the majority of players perceive glitch abuse as cheating. Aside from fixing the game, such behaviours cannot be tolerated and thus deserve bans. Not to mention their negative effect on clan ranking, which is harmful to the game and fair play competition.
    This post was edited by Batory at July 21, 2019 10:01 AM PDT
    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 10:24 AM PDT
    Ok, ban xZaKro'S and ToyStory acc's, we kick that accs for Sky Clan, np.
    • 21 posts
    July 21, 2019 10:36 AM PDT
    @josemaria2004, thank you for understanding and agreeing, I appreciate that :)
    This post was edited by Batory at July 21, 2019 10:54 AM PDT
    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    we have taken ZaKro'S and ToyStory out of our clan, as you can see in the ranking clan, they dropped us only 3 or 4 points, nothing relevant,:D

    Clan ranking:

    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 1:23 PM PDT

    member list, Toy Story and and ZaKroS got Kicked of Skyclan

    • 21 posts
    July 21, 2019 2:02 PM PDT

    Very good, thx for fair play action. Now all that's left is to wait for Max to ban them.

    • 113 posts
    July 21, 2019 3:03 PM PDT

    josemaria2004 said:

    member list, Toy Story and and ZaKroS got Kicked of Skyclan

    On the list of players you have published is the player xtatsumaki with characteristics similar to ToyStory. I find it very suspicious because this player is in the ranking 13029 

    • 179 posts
    July 21, 2019 3:14 PM PDT

    la/lo sacamos tambien, aunque sieendo 100% sincero no sé quien maneja esa cuenta.

  • July 22, 2019 4:58 AM PDT

    oh Tysm For Removeing Then Form The Game 

  • July 22, 2019 5:20 AM PDT



    Profile Link:


    Map Name:OnlySuiper2018


    Screenshot / Video:No My Phone Was Got To Go For Repair Today 



    i meet him again go and see this post

    His was useing big jumps today

    By Mistake I Dont Take a Screenshot 

    Pls Ban Him His was trying to come to are home in that map