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Things I Love About Warmerise

  • August 2, 2018 1:32 PM PDT

    1. Vote kick system requiring 102% of the server to vote yes

    2. 3 tacticals/explosives that do 67 damage each, that's a potential 201 damage against one player in a single life by aiming in their direction and pressing v

    3. RPGs, as if 3 grenades or landmines wasn't enough, you can git r done without using a primary weapon slot with a ******* RPG dealing up to 71x3 (213) damage to a single player in one life, this weapon is refillable with a coin and has the same blast radius as the m67, making it ultra bullshit especially when paired with grenades that do a potential 201 total damage. That's 414 potential damage to a single player by the way. In one life by the way. All while having a primary weapon slot by the way.

    4. STG-12 after the accuracy buff. This bad boy can deal a **** ton of damage when put into a new players hands, it's easily more effective than the UMP 40 in almost all scenarios and maps. This gun isn't that ridiculous, but it could definetly use an accuracy nerf and possibly a damage buff.

    5. Raieny. Raieny is probably the best player in Warmerise at the moment, who graduated top of her class in the Navy Seals and has been involved in numerous secret raids on "fgts", and has over 10,000 confirmed kills. She is trained in gorilla warfare and is the top sniper in the entire homophobic armed forces. We are nothing to her but just another target. She will wipe you the **** out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth. You think you can get away with saying **** to her over the internet? Think again, ******. As you speak she contacts her secret network of spies across homophobic land and your IP gets traced, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're ******* dead, kid. She can be anywhere, anytime, and she can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with her bare hands. 


    • 231 posts
    August 2, 2018 4:53 PM PDT
    The thing I love the most about Warmerise is Max, I log in everyday to appreaciate the beauty of that fingerman. When I am at school during lunch with my 12 years old mates I cannot help but think what sort of dramas might be occurring during my absence. During class I can't hold myself and I end up checking Warmerise in its mobile version which leads more often than not to my teacher taking my phone away. Once I get home I log in and join a server that once upon a time used to be full of good players, Sky, but now its public because if you make it private 90% of the new players don't know the password is ali.
    I battle my way up to reach the top 100 which makes you a good player instantly when you achieve it. I wander around the servers asking for a clan war which won't happen because there isn't any active half decent clan anymore. I check my friend requests where I hope I will get a friend request from an old player who came back like DanteK, Mr247, Lacia,... but ends up being elprokiller777 who wants to start a friendship with me. After so many disappointments in this long day I cannot do any other thing than go to bed and cry myself to sleep thinking about what this community once was and what it became.
    The end.
  • August 2, 2018 6:14 PM PDT
    And this repeats everyday? You might have a problem man.
  • August 2, 2018 6:40 PM PDT

    - Slightly Improved Performance
    - Changed Running animation in First Person View
    - Disabled shooting animation when aiming in First person view
    - "Show Teammate HP" bar is now enabled by default
    - Added new map to Ball mode called "CentralPark"
    - Disabled Collision between cars in Ball mode
    - Custom maps: Automatic Doors are now triggered by cars aswell
    - Added a warning when loading a Custom map with an unsupported audio format

    • 1 posts
    August 3, 2018 5:53 AM PDT

    Constructive criticism in its fullest extent.

    • 609 posts
    August 3, 2018 5:58 AM PDT

    The Vote Kick Sistem does need a hella work, not only the ammount of votes that you need but also the hability to kick non-registered, since most of the players we have currently ain't registered so there's a bigger chance of one of them being a trouble maker, by the way what  about in private servers give the server's owner vote more power? being his vote equal to 3 votes of normal players (for example)


    The explosives (RPG) and the additional items is something I've complain for a bit too, theres literally too many, why not decrease from 3/2 to just one additional item per life? as by the damage I'm not complaining, by the way about the RPG check out this poll/suggestion


    A +1 on the STG


    About that homophobia case, which is what I understood from there, I've personally usted to get along with her in past and (once again, persoanlly) haven't seen anything too radical, maybe one time or another a lil bit of a chat fight but nothing too serious, atleast from what I've seen


    Erlaanz, the trend of the sky server is just what it is, a trend, why don't you start your own? create your own private server for 'pros' only, as for the drama ain't that why we are all here?


    Maige, you must have some special type of ultra freakin secret information bruv lol

    • 38 posts
    August 3, 2018 10:19 AM PDT

    Neapolitan, why you cry here ?Its not my fault that different kinds of homos and mofos  dont know how to respect girls/women. My attitude depends on how you treat me.

  • August 3, 2018 2:20 PM PDT
    The issue here clearly isn't how "homos and mofos" treat you (by the way, are you saying that homos are mofos?). It's that your only comments in game are about fgts and **** and boys having boyfriends. I was never rude towards you until you decided to call me *** repeatedly in the first game of sky I've played with you.
    • 38 posts
    August 3, 2018 3:16 PM PDT

    Neapolitan said: The issue here clearly isn't how "homos and mofos" treat you (by the way, are you saying that homos are mofos?). It's that your only comments in game are about fgts and **** and boys having boyfriends. I was never rude towards you until you decided to call me *** repeatedly in the first game of sky I've played with you.

    What a bs. I only reply  so if you start i will respond and idc you like it or not.Why i comment about fgts? Bcoz only they are disrespectful.

  • August 3, 2018 3:27 PM PDT
    Haha the thing is I'm straight.
  • August 3, 2018 4:28 PM PDT

    Raieny said:

    Neapolitan said: The issue here clearly isn't how "homos and mofos" treat you (by the way, are you saying that homos are mofos?). It's that your only comments in game are about fgts and **** and boys having boyfriends. I was never rude towards you until you decided to call me *** repeatedly in the first game of sky I've played with you.

    What a bs. I only reply  so if you start i will respond and idc you like it or not.Why i comment about fgts? Bcoz only they are disrespectful.



    • 609 posts
    August 3, 2018 4:42 PM PDT

    We've dealt with xenophobia a couple weeks ago Now homophobia? "why i comment about fagots? Bcoz only they are disrespectfull"? Personally ill give u the benefit of the doubt and assume you didnt expressed yourself in the best way you could As for the rest, lets just ignore this and stay with salty suggestions cause salt appart they actually have point

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at August 3, 2018 9:30 PM PDT
  • August 3, 2018 5:31 PM PDT
    Thanks sterbey poo, I love you bby <3
    • 84 posts
    August 3, 2018 7:24 PM PDT

    Just a two suggestions that could make us love Warmerise more, feel free to bring my ideas down.


    Since my last post was a flop and didn't gain a million likes in 6 minutes, I would like to share my thoughts about the competitive scene in Warmerise. What Warmerise lacks aside from the performance not being ideal for everyone, is the fact that the game is too slow. A few years ago, the gravity gun was the best thing ever, I remember when the game was much more fast paced, players were extremely mobile with the gravity gun. Not only that, but the speed that they executed their shots were a lot faster. This mobility required more skill and it was uncommon for the best players to be in only one position, which increased their chances of survival and the difficulty of the game. The speed that the game had a few years ago back really raised the skill ceiling and the possibilities of attacking an enemy also increased.


    I tried to think what made me like this game so much before, and I realized that what made me like Warmerise so much was that it seemed like such a new game to me. So my next suggestion would be that the game needs some novelty.

    The game itself is still pretty much the same as a few years except the performance is worse and their is some new stuff here and there, but there's nothing that is novel and really captivating.I don't know what this new captivating idea could be, but it could be possible that it's what this game needs to gain a lot more players and to make them stay.

    This post was edited by CaptainJoseph at August 3, 2018 7:26 PM PDT
    • 609 posts
    August 3, 2018 9:23 PM PDT

    as for the gravity gun, the tweak was needed, it was an obvious power creep in the game, the thing is, people are resistant to change particularly when it affects them, but, the G.g. isn't the only thing that needs a such tweak, mines, toma (additional items in general) and RPG are some other examples, even tho I use the RPG a lot I'm the 1st to recognize the need for a change.

    Adressing the rest, I still think that the game certainly can be but very fast paced, I generally observe this in TDM servers, when you inspect elimination mode, its the camperest thing you'll witness, particularly when there are few people, this happens for a reason: unlikely other FPS genres that possess this vertent of elimination, we -warmerise- don't have a goal that makes us speed up things a lil bit, like a search and destroy for example.

    Another focal point has to due with the rarity of well populated servers, this is caused by a couple of factors but here are some: People usually tend to create their own server, sometimes due to their pickyness, they maybe want to play on base, TDM, but if they see a server for 12 people and they want 8, Oh Boiii you're in for adventure, they just create another to be empty server, instead of joining others players and populat and improve the experience on the already created one, ofc this is needed to be done with some moderation in the way we also can allow ourselves to sometimes be picky. The second part is smth i've stated back when costume maps where introduced, 'like...for real', idk whats with people and spending their time on low quality poorly made maps, this...saturation of maps leads the servers to become even more scarce in terms of population and this is something that needs to be adressed quickly, my suggestion: only an X number of custom maps can be elegible at a time, we can rotate them monthly, poor ones are harder to appear or be selected, voting etc etc, wharever sistem is best.


    as for the novalty  I might have a couple of stuff i've been brainstorming ;)

    and yes, that text message's hour is 5am, i just don't have a life ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    ps-neaps 2nd and 3rd one need more attention

    This post was edited by STERBEN99 at August 3, 2018 9:37 PM PDT
    • 84 posts
    August 3, 2018 9:50 PM PDT

    I'm not stuck in the past. In fact, the nerf of the gravity gun actually benefited my gameplay as I was always a ground player except on the occassion when I really needed it. However, it is rare that I feel a rush from other players because of their quickness. The reason why I think that we need a bit faster pace is because in reality, if you can do things faster and more efficiently, that's what makes you a strong player, along with some smartness. The gravity gun kind of facilitates players to play faster. At least, tweak the stamina a bit so I am not always breathing for air every minute. The reason why I cited the game to the past was not because I am nostalgic but because there were a lot of good players and if you were to analyze them, you would see they were quick and efficient. Why do I want this? Because I want a more competitive environment in this game because I find it fun and it's always fun to challenge myself. I won't address any of the other things you mentioned for now, as I particularly just want to focus on this topic

  • August 3, 2018 10:37 PM PDT

    As for the speed of the game, it would be better at this point to remove sprinting in general for a faster walking movement speed. This, coupled with a game mechanic of tapping sprint to sidestep (as seen in games like Unreal Tournament) I believe would bring back, if not increase, the general speed of the game. As for the gravity gun, I was never really a big fan of it (especially if you recognize my older account, Omnifire) and it might make me a bit biased when it comes to the subject (same with those who loved the grav). I believe the current gravity gun should only be in bigger maps like Base, the Road, etc. because I never really found any use of the gravity gun in non-big enviornments like in Secret Lab, where it would just get frustrating to fight against if you don't own a gravity gun (and I never had). 

  • August 3, 2018 10:44 PM PDT

    The stamina is 100% mega bad, removing the sprinting feature would change the game too much, but adding some more stamina or maybe even some extra stamina regen would raise the skill cap a bit for sure.

    • 231 posts
    August 4, 2018 2:39 AM PDT
    CaptainJoseph said:

    Just a two suggestions that could make us love Warmerise more, feel free to bring my ideas down.


    Since my last post was a flop and didn't gain a million likes in 6 minutes, I would like to share my thoughts about the competitive scene in Warmerise. What Warmerise lacks aside from the performance not being ideal for everyone, is the fact that the game is too slow. A few years ago, the gravity gun was the best thing ever, I remember when the game was much more fast paced, players were extremely mobile with the gravity gun. Not only that, but the speed that they executed their shots were a lot faster. This mobility required more skill and it was uncommon for the best players to be in only one position, which increased their chances of survival and the difficulty of the game. The speed that the game had a few years ago back really raised the skill ceiling and the possibilities of attacking an enemy also increased.


    I tried to think what made me like this game so much before, and I realized that what made me like Warmerise so much was that it seemed like such a new game to me. So my next suggestion would be that the game needs some novelty.

    The game itself is still pretty much the same as a few years except the performance is worse and their is some new stuff here and there, but there's nothing that is novel and really captivating.I don't know what this new captivating idea could be, but it could be possible that it's what this game needs to gain a lot more players and to make them stay.

    I agree with most of the things you've said. From 2014 to 2016/2017 mobility was a huge part of any player's skill, but now after so many changes to the Gravity Gun when you join a server like sky or you see a clan war (which is very rare now) you see both teams camping with third person because there is no way to do a proper rush anymore. I've played many games like csgo and other ***** and maps are made in different ways for a reason and many warmerise maps look made for a very fast paced game like it used to be, example: secret lab; if I want to push you from the red spawn balcony to blue outside spawn and you are just behind the pillar with pure movement rn it's gonna be really hard to push you properly. Warmerise maps look like a desert cuz unless for a few fences there is no cover. Maps like dustland, secretlab, skygates, the road, ... if the game is not fast paced you are just in the middle of nowhere there is literally nowhere to hide unless you just camp a single house. So I highly agree with what you said about making the gravity gun a viable option again, because rn I'd rather buy the revolver than use the GG. About adding new stuff I am all for it as long as there is changes in this community, no one ever says it so I will. Yeah we know this is a free game , Max owns it and bla bla bla. Nowadays he listens a bit more to players income, but there are some changes which I do not understand. Big games and not so big like Zula, Overwatch, CoD and most big games do changes looking at multiple factors, and most of them ask the "pros" of the community. Max unless for the few recorded ones doesn't see what is more OP than not in a clan wat between 2 great clans, he doesn't go to sky (back in the day it was ppen 24/7 and all the good clans RK, Cosmic, 69, DB, Legion, ... played there) and see what is OP between more highly skilled players, ask them what should be changed. And you know why I point this out? Because people complain saying all the good clans and players left, and this is the reason, they never got any attention changes to the game were made just for the sake of making changes. I remember at one point just because a bunch of guys couldn't avoid mines they almost got nerfed to lower damage, when any decent player in sky rarely ever died to a mine. Changes like adding or removing the sprint bar was already done and changed back in a short time, it's changed like that what I do not want. I am sorry this was so long, but there is something I must remind you those of us who were old players and now criticize the game so much it's because we loved this game but we were feeling pushed away by the changes that were made. And to end this **** that is so long just one more thing I understand it's Max's game and he can decide a thing or two he wants in his game, but a game is done for the players and the community and he should look after their happiness. Cheers!
    This post was edited by Erlaanz at August 4, 2018 2:43 AM PDT
    • 231 posts
    August 4, 2018 2:43 AM PDT
    Somebody just wrote the holy bible in the forums haHAA
    • 609 posts
    August 4, 2018 4:34 AM PDT

    Neap I totally agree with you, the stamina needs a numer tweak, this would be easier to do than just chaging the movement mechanics like you suggest maige

    • 3 posts
    August 17, 2018 6:54 PM PDT


    • 2 posts
    July 17, 2020 12:14 PM PDT
