xKietsu said:I have a blank screen?. Solution? tried it on both mozilla and chrome
Check the first part (1.) of this post: http://warmerise.com/forums/topic/2/warmerise-2017
Your browser may not support WebGL 2 yet
For Chrome it said this http://prntscr.com/dvismc. Firefox it does not support, But it still blank page for chrome
This error came with the 42th version of Google Chrome. It will be fixed by them soon (as they told). You can try using FireFox until they fix that bug.
Yeah, Unity WebGL platform isn't stable, blame Unity for that.
*Shameless promotion* You can try these steps:
If that doesn't work, wait for Max.
ok so when i play my fps is 5 or lower and my ping goes to infinitty and beyond what is up here.....
here is the proof
in picture look at my ping
i have no clue what to do
so before webgl it was perfect now .......