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Sprint Removed. Solutions?

    • 28 posts
    August 17, 2018 7:00 AM PDT

    Let's be real here, the sprinting in Warmerise did have some flaws. It drained way too fast. However, now it's removed and everyone is in panic. I have some suggestions for this.

    1) Keep sprint out, increase movement speed to former sprint's speed

    2) Add back sprint, but with decreased energy drain

    3) Stop it. Get some help. Start big polls that are everywhere, not just the polls section, before implementing a major game changing update.

    • 539 posts
    August 17, 2018 9:54 AM PDT
    I don't think it drained to fast at all, the issue to me was that I had two things draining it at the same time. The gravity gun draining Stamina made it harder to manage that.

    The reason people liked sprinting wasn't for the increased movement speed (most of the time), it was because it was a way to make you a harder target to hit because your velocity is changing.

    Basically, I'd like to turn it on exactly as it was and look at alternatives to the gravity gun mechanics.
    • 28 posts
    August 17, 2018 10:56 PM PDT
    Good point, but don't you think the walking speed is too slow when you don't have to evade bullets? Sprinting was mandatory for two reasons in my opinion. Thing that sucks is that jumping drained it even faster, which you really needed to jump over obstacles in your way. Something that often happens is that you run out of stamina and can't jump, then getting pretty much executed. At least that's how the game was often for me.