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Alternative to Kick/Ban

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    • 328 posts
    January 24, 2017 1:25 PM PST

    QtpieViolet said:

    I will give you pampers and milk Zero (:

    Fuj any way know better than you about gaming and more helpfull than you..

    You wrote damn DRAMA forum about this kick\ ban and fuj were the first to suggest it since 2014. but all came bla bla and this is what we have now because of who?.. kids that talk too much. Any way it will never change to be better only stay same lvl even worse.



    Hmm, I'm not sure if you are Fuji's second account but whatever.

    I haven't seen that many posts by him/her in Warmerise. I wonder where his/her "helpful" posts are?

    Yeah, I'm guessing you are about 10 years old? Since you can't distinguish between DRAMA and opinions/solution. Also, please learn english. If you want to come at me, at least have some decent understand of grammar.

    And, if you want to discuss more, please feel free to DM(Direct Message)/PM(Private Message) me.


    This post was edited by Zero at January 24, 2017 1:26 PM PST
  • January 24, 2017 1:29 PM PST

    Nope and I can write how I want im not going to put effort for some one like you. pff

    try harder next time. with yours pictures :)

    • 328 posts
    January 24, 2017 1:32 PM PST


    *Tries harder next time with my pictures* :)

  • January 24, 2017 1:35 PM PST

    Ohhh please stfu you little insignificant bug, you talk too much bullsh!t right now, and if you don't know Qtpie & me, you are clearly a new comer and have not even the right to talk for the safety of the Warmerise community, you are just another fake account or whoever came in the past year and think he's something, while not. And my posts ? Who told you about post ? I did PM and tried to talk with Max for years, you must know he is kinda the "never available" kind of person. His old MODS can confirm :) (mike etc)

    Now you deserve a ban just for your salty image, we didn't come into s3x words yet, but if you wanna start, I wish yours whole family get dirty aids asap plus why not saw them hit by a car lol.

    idc if get banned for this. You searched the wrong guy, little gramma nazi, that have his tools behind for don't do typo syntaxe errors, or just staying all day on a chair being a student that'v never earn money of his life. Grow up kidos, and come on real games prove if you are worth it xDD lmao.


    Bye, you & your idiott suggestions gonna won some awards. ^^

    This post was edited by Deleted Member at January 24, 2017 1:37 PM PST
    • 328 posts
    January 24, 2017 1:56 PM PST

    fuj147 said:

    Ohhh please stfu you little insignificant bug, you talk too much bullsh!t right now, and if you don't know Qtpie & me, you are clearly a new comer and have not even the right to talk for the safety of the Warmerise community, you are just another fake account or whoever came in the past year and think he's something, while not. And my posts ? Who told you about post ? I did PM and tried to talk with Max for years, you must know he is kinda the "never available" kind of person. His old MODS can confirm :) (mike etc)

    Now you deserve a ban just for your salty image, we didn't come into s3x words yet, but if you wanna start, I wish yours whole family get dirty aids asap plus why not saw them hit by a car lol.

    idc if get banned for this. You searched the wrong guy, little gramma nazi, that have his tools behind for don't do typo syntaxe errors, or just staying all day on a chair being a student that'v never earn money of his life. Grow up kidos, and come on real games prove if you are worth it xDD lmao.

    Bye, you & your idiott suggestions gonna won some awards. ^^

    Aww, did both of you get triggered at the same time? LOL. GG EZ.

    if you don't know Qtpie & me, you are clearly a new comer

    Uh? What the -? Who are you two? Some important warmerise people? I'm sorry if I don't know about you two. Seems as if you are non-existent in this community and somehow very irrelevant.

    I'm sure there is nothing known as "fake account" on warmerise. Oh, yes. I'm something. I'm a good member of this community unlike you who thinks " OMG LOOK I"M SO FAMOUS PLS GIBE ME ATTENTION PLS MAX PLS PPL GIBE ME ATTENTION I"M FUJIGUJI ONE OF THE OLD MEMBER VERY PRO".

    I've seen many old members and have talked to them. Difference between you and them is, they are respectful and understanding.

    Damn man. So triggered that you started cursing my family. Jesus, are you like homeless? Don't have a family? Maybe your parents abandoned you since you are a mistake? Or maybe they just didn't want you and gave you away to an orphanage. What a pathetic little inbred you are. Shame on you and your family. Oh wait, you don't have a family. Crap, forgot about that. Well, have fun with your "internet gf/pixelated gf" or maybe your left hand which you call your gf.


    Syntaxe <= LMAOOO! Man that made my day. Bahaha, talk about money. MAX PLS GIBE ME MONEI 50k PLS.

    "real games" you mean Paintball? I don't know what you mean by real games. Maybe Soccer, American Football? Idk man.

    Oh yes, my suggestions did earn an award. An award which you will never get. Pheasant.

    Please, gtfo this community and my thread. We don't want cancer here.

    This post was edited by Zero at January 24, 2017 2:02 PM PST
  • January 24, 2017 1:58 PM PST

    lol this kid.. im out xD

    • 8 posts
    January 24, 2017 1:58 PM PST

    The fuck happened here?

  • January 24, 2017 2:03 PM PST

    You are the unknow guy here, who are you LUL ?!! I forgot, no one here or in any game, also in irl you are pathetic.

    And yep you are the one deserving a ban, not me lol.


    syntaxe ? yes since i'm French and a non native talker I can't know everything. UNLIKE you i don't use google trad or any other tool hehe

    So go back to school kid or find a job. And i'm sure i can teach you about english for sure on so many topics :)) Cya bronze boy

  • January 24, 2017 2:05 PM PST
    Children. Throwing insults at each other like 9 year olds.
    • 328 posts
    January 24, 2017 2:08 PM PST

    Bahaha. Look, the Pheasant is back.

    Oh, I'm unknown. Ok. I'm not sure who you are replying to since I'm "unknown"


    Someone got vote kicked in the game because many of us suggested vote kick and THE Pheasant got TRIGGEREDDDD.

    "Yes since i'm french blah blah blah boohooo"

    I didn't know google had a new service known as google trad? Is it like Google Trade? Interesting.

    Pls teach enlgihs me, me no spek englis pls me very bad, help pls


    • Moderator
    • 998 posts
    January 24, 2017 2:12 PM PST

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