
Clan Rules:

- No Personal Attacks (In Clan Name, Description or Profile Picture)
- No Inappropriate Clan Names, Profile Pictures or Descriptions
- No Copying / Impersonating other Clan Names, Descriptions or Profile Pictures
- No Trolling

Please keep in mind those rules when creating/editing the clan, to avoid conflicts. Clans that repeatedly break the rules will be removed.
  • 26 members led by Yuto
    School of mages
  • 77 members led by Atreitiku
    Welcome, please visit this forum page for the run-down.
  • 41 members led by FugaziXV
    Horror Fans of all kinds feel free to join (im aware its a band and i enjoy the band and im also using the logo from the band)
  • 70 members led by Aspect74
    Core's !!!! we are the Power, we are the organisation to defeat all, to finish all. Free to join for |HpX| members. I want someone with skills and determination to be qualified to join the clan...also you have to use sniper in sky servers (L115A3,PlasmaGu...  more
  • 1 member led by Faya
    Only Professionals..
    KDR : 2.00
    Killerstreak : 40 - 50
    Only Have 5 Clans.
  • 11 members led by RO53ND0
  • 21 members led by Jerry6Us
    invite only
    1+kdr 50 hk
    clan rank 125
  • 8 members led by xChapo
    We're gamers from walidous/ Kynsukes village.
    Join us
  • 7 members led by KingOfMan
    Noble Knights. Officially a inactive clan. Membership requests are accepted.
    Required Features:
    - KDR: 2.00+
    - Highest KillStreak: 30+...  more
  • 32 members led by VeroNz
    Join If You Wanna I Don`t Really Care ;-;