FOX555's Polls

Daily Reward?

Do you think there should be a daily reward? Maybe 100 cash for your first game of the day for those players who struggle to get kills? I've seen alot of people asking for cash, or finishing a match with like 3kills/20deaths (rip) So do you think a daily reward would be a good idea. Even if its just given out to players that have low kdr or rank? (below 1.0 or below 1000rank
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  • Lion7 likes this
  • FOX555
    FOX555 Yeah, alot of players don't need it but there are some that get destroyed in games when the other team is full of pros
    April 20, 2019
  • beeice1526
    beeice1526 Max needs to see this, this is a spectacular idea
    April 20, 2019
  • FOX555
    FOX555 He might not have seen it because I wasn't friends with him (idk why, I've just sent a request though)
    April 20, 2019
  • FOX555
    FOX555 Yeah
    April 21, 2019