STERBEN99's Polls

Map Renovation

Which of the following Default Maps do you think needs some rework the most?
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  48 votes  |  554 views
  • TERMINATOR1000 likes this
  • beeice1526
    beeice1526 Either Tpile or TheRoad
    October 23, 2019 - 1 likes this
  • BlueToonYoshi
    BlueToonYoshi Skygates is very dark in the caves. Probably some people will complain that it is super easy to camp in upper area in the center for Area56. Tpile is just way too easy to fall down and kind of needs grav in some ways. Snowycanyon is not bad although I hea...  more
    October 23, 2019
    TERMINATOR1000 TheRoad.
    October 24, 2019