Chell's Polls

The Real Biggest Perv on Warmerise

Today we will figure out who the REAL biggest perv is, if this poll gets 100 votes, we will expose the winner's nudes. This is not a scam, this is literally 100% legit. If you share the poll, you'll receive a free Lamborghini, this is also, again, not a scam, 100% legit.
Show Results  |  Share  |  Report  |   |  56 votes  |  755 views
  • Manager
    Manager how the hell isnĀ“t Farz in here
    August 3, 2017
  • Chell
    Chell Farz isn't the biggest, he's the God of perv.
    August 4, 2017
  • StarWarsCrazy
    StarWarsCrazy Which Farz? Farzblack or Farzthevictorious (hope i didn't spell his name wrong)?
    August 26, 2017
  • Manager
    Manager kinda both
    August 26, 2017