RaMa's Polls

What Is Your Playing style?

Which playstyle describes you best or is your prefferd way of killing in warmerise... Cool headed sniper: Nicely sitting in a preffered position and banging headshots mostly.Some opponents get killed unaware of you. Target lock Machine gunner:Nicely sitting in one of the many different preffered positions and killing those who come to attack you base with a target locking approach. Crazy mo
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  • Apster
    Apster Maybe a mix between "Cool Headed Sniper" and "Target Lock Machine Gunner", but I don't have a preference about my playstyle, it depends mostly on the enemies.
    January 27, 2017
  • ArcadiaNerox
    ArcadiaNerox well i go full on assault = plant mines on their base + auto noob gun coz im noob dx !
    January 28, 2017 - 1 likes this
    STERBEN99 tbh it depends on the map, blessed i can be a little of all of those XD
    January 28, 2017
  • EpicTroll2
    EpicTroll2 Hacker style
    January 30, 2017