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The enemy when he was wounded tries to commit suicide.

    • 955 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:14 PM PST
    Calling us useless, calling “us” like we are some degraded species, and you need to stop being rude about “I don’t care about anyone”. That’s practically what you are saying. Guess what, all your posts like these only have one defense to it “I don’t care” which proves you are a lazy human being just wanting to get me and others back. Make friends here, support ideas and quit calling me and others nonsense. Is it because im mature and I use different wording that the average wamerise player? Talk smart next time
    • 480 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:19 PM PST
    Oh, brother! Space, I mean what I say, gaslighting me to care about what you're saying won't work, because I don't care.

    Maybe play the game more, and do less talking on forums ;)
    • 955 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:29 PM PST

    I mean what I say too, and I do play the game a lot. nice sarcastic toxic talk you got there. and I'm no longer going to care what you say too. lets see how it feels. I had enough of this stupid off topic talk you started (and I know you are going to say how. well let me explain: I made a suggestion/replied *with actual on-topic advice* then you come in and say its garbage and discusting and that I am some annoying dirtbag that no one cares about (which proves you are toxic).) so you should shut up before I get toxic on you. I can be very toxic when it comes to you toxic people who ruin other people's ideas. but I am slow to anger, so no. how about you play the game more, and enough of this off-topic arguement that you, again, have started. I will EOD this right now, but wait, you won't stop talking about how much you don't care. not sure if you should be on forums with your toxic attitude. EOD Majesty... EOD

    • 480 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:31 PM PST
    Also, making friends on this game is pointless. Majority of them are cut throats, malicious and have no loyalty to their friends. I've been done that, and made amends to the idea of friendship. I don't wish to be anyone's friend, that I'm not already friends with.

    I don't believe in gossiping about my friend, picking sides when 2 friends quarrel or doing malicious actions behind my friend back, with people they don't fw.

    So, no. I won't be friends with anyone on this game, that I'm not already friends with. Because, they don't know what friendship means and are very weird.
    • 480 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:34 PM PST
    Space, you not speaking to me or saying you don't care about what I'm saying doesn't affect me. Idk what you thought that would've done. It seems like you're getting mad, well, I'll go back to studying. Idk why I keep pausing my studies to check here... :(

    Also, why are you angry? Lol, I love to see y'all mad like this, makes me laugh.

    But, you're right space, steal my legendary line "END OF DISCUSSION" ;)
    • 955 posts
    March 4, 2023 4:37 PM PST

    not mad, you are just toxic. and to battle toxic people is to act mad and give them fake attention like you seek right now

    • 16 posts
    March 4, 2023 5:28 PM PST

    why cant a bike stand on its own










    because its 2 tired

  • Eve
    • 332 posts
    March 5, 2023 1:20 AM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    well... first you may think that I think I am moderator. but I am not. just polite and professional. although I do have to say you need to get your 4-post spam out of here. and I'm talking about if they are in cover, like sniping. you say "if they are in cover don't shoot them", well I say if they are in cover in the first place they would be sniping, with exposed body parts to shoot, like the head, knees, and arms. And landing each shot is hard when they are in cover due to the average player movement in matches (moving around and strafing). so you can't really hit each shot. and plus, what am I supposed to do with putting a picture for my clan? i can't make those graphics and all the affects of the image. i'm pretty sure all clan photos are copyrighted (taken from google) and edited, like mine.

    "well I say if they are in cover in the first place they would be sniping, with exposed body parts to shoot"
    This is not the defenition of in cover, sorry.

  • Eve
    • 332 posts
    March 5, 2023 1:24 AM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    well... first you may think that I think I am moderator. but I am not. just polite and professional. although I do have to say you need to get your 4-post spam out of here. and I'm talking about if they are in cover, like sniping. you say "if they are in cover don't shoot them", well I say if they are in cover in the first place they would be sniping, with exposed body parts to shoot, like the head, knees, and arms. And landing each shot is hard when they are in cover due to the average player movement in matches (moving around and strafing). so you can't really hit each shot. and plus, what am I supposed to do with putting a picture for my clan? i can't make those graphics and all the affects of the image. i'm pretty sure all clan photos are copyrighted (taken from google) and edited, like mine.

    "average player movement in matches (moving around and strafing)"
    then shoot when you see them wtf

    "what am I supposed to do with putting a picture for my clan? i can't make those graphics and all the affects of the image. i'm pretty sure all clan photos are copyrighted (taken from google) and edited, like mine."
    If you edit someone elses material and claim it's yours, then it's a much worse crime than plagiarism, turning into art theft. You have a bright future if you're already aszing the law this hard at the age of 12.

  • Eve
    • 332 posts
    March 5, 2023 1:29 AM PST

    Spacetrooper said:

    oh but wait. who's the one who suggested and made a hoverbike model that max said he would add if he wasn't working on anything? me. yes thats right, Max said he would add it if he isn't working on anything. all I care about if Max cares about it and wants to involve my things that I suggest.

    We don't care about a stup*d Hoverbike, even if it was added it's a waste of game resources. Nice that you take pride in another man's bad decisions. That's a good start to life.

    And besides, everyone has suggested something in the past llike actual bug fixes, which Max ignores because he wants to make the game worse, (which he did by accepting a useless hoverbike). I would rather drive around in a hovering car, than a bike with 2 seats.

    • 652 posts
    March 5, 2023 1:40 AM PST
    Majesty said:
    Spscetrooper, tbh you're always annoying and interfering in other people's business with 0 idea with what's happening and always giving useless replies. You've done it to me plenty times and I've told you to mind your business many times. But, because I know you people are delinquents and like to give your annoying 2 cents which I do not care about, nor will take seriously, and worse not take into consideration. I just ignore you. Now that someone else is telling you the same thing I had thought and had told you before, maybe you should reflect on your useless replies. No one cares for them, ik I do not and definitely old members do not care for your 2 cents, because majority of the time you're stating garbage.

    Anyway, not taking sides because the person message I'm agreeing to, we ain't cool, but right is right.
    based W