Q36378r's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 33 of 173 in Wall Photos

  • AdrianDark and khalilthedude like this
  • Dispater
    Dispater Q3 ,if you use sniper i can 10-0 you with USP or grav kill . I SEE YOU PLLAY . YOU A TRUSH AYTO NUB .and bluninja are good with sniper
    November 14, 2020
  • AdrianDark
    AdrianDark Has un equipo que se llame redninjas
    November 14, 2020
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r blue ninja uses third person and i dont respect him for that
    November 14, 2020
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r i will make NTV server and he will lose all of you can spectate
    November 14, 2020