sleepyboysavage's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 28 of 72 in Wall Photos

Sammy69 is racist and toxic. I was playing and talking to players in the server and he said he was white and racist when I asked and he saw that I had previously said I was black. Not only did he say that but he got mad because after he called me a nub, after that me and my teammate started killing him constantly (because he is so trash) and called me a "niger". It was obvious he was actually calling me a "******" but then tried to say he was talking about a country in Africa when no one was even talking about that subject. After everyone in the server, including me, was telling him that he was racist and toxic he continued to call me a niger.

What he said is VERY offensive to me because not only did he call me a niger but he lied about what he was talking about when he said that and I have family that are from Africa.
Here are 3 screenshots but I put them together.