whynot94's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 61 of 124 in Wall Photos

Look what's happening guys. There are 3 people that disguised themselves using my name because they want to ban me. They are trying to be toxic to people so people can make complains about me ain forums to get me banned. I think one of them is Kiur top 100, and i think the other is Pacogames, and i can't identify the third one. If anyone sees one of these fake whynot, don't think it's the real one. I'm not toxic and these dogs are toxic.
1 comment
  • whynot94
    whynot94 Everyone that is behind of this will get identified. As i promised before, i said i was going to identify who was behind of using my name and i did. And the person behind it will get identified and i will get them banned.
    January 15, 2021