whynot94's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 66 of 124 in Wall Photos

Hello Guys, A new ~HiddenGhosts~ Plasma Gun has been released and it's in store for our clan. It's called ~HiddenGhosts~ PlasmaGun 1. It's only for 500 in the store and i urge everyone in my clan to buy it. It has our clan name and clan picture on it as well. It is well designed and i hope you guys like it. For people that haven't joined my clan, feel free to join it. I will be making more of these skins. Thanks.
  • SHANON, Q36378r, and LuciferXD like this
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r YO thats sick
    January 20, 2021
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r use that in hidden ghost clan wars to look like a REal warrior........ long live the hidden ghost
    January 21, 2021