whynot94's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 82 of 124 in Wall Photos

Hello Max, all of my friends and everyone are sick and tired from punisher26david, because he is highly toxic to everyone that he kills and to everyone that kills him. He calls people trsh, nobs, and other bad words everytime he gets killed or every time he kills someone. Everyone is having issues with him and he really needs to be banned. Please don't ignore this and try your best to make warmerise a better place to be in. You removed jelmer and now it's punisher's turn. Could you do this Max?
  • OO1
    OO1 Same
    February 4, 2021
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r spam max post.....poor max
    February 4, 2021
  • Q36378r
    Q36378r lets leave max alone so he can finish the update that takes alot of coding!!
    February 4, 2021