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I'm sick of this stupid kid. intervene. Max please, intervene.

    • 77 posts
    March 6, 2020 10:51 AM PST

    • 356 posts
    March 6, 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I know this guy. When i kill him he calls me "asshole" but with a very bad grammary. I agree with you.

    • 429 posts
    March 6, 2020 4:15 PM PST
    I have screenshots of him saying I am hacking today
    • 77 posts
    March 6, 2020 6:08 PM PST

    it's really stupid! accuses and offends for no reason. it really tired me ..... and there is another one that as soon as I have the chance, I will report it (hoping that Max will take action, maybe bann them !!)

    • 429 posts
    March 6, 2020 6:09 PM PST

    it's really stupid! accuses and offends for no reason. it really tired me ..... and there is another one that as soon as I have the chance, I will report it (hoping that Max will take action, maybe bann them !!)

    You can block the member from using the chat
    • 77 posts
    March 6, 2020 6:57 PM PST

    so players are really toxic!! I can block the chat to a player who once disturbs .... but "these" are really stupid every time. have the good fortune to stay safe behind a keyboard, otherwise .... !!

    • 34 posts
    March 9, 2020 1:08 PM PDT

    yeah I knew he was high rank and whenever I annilhilated him he called me a hacker and left.

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