Forums » Custom Skins

ghosts141 skins

    • 69 posts
    November 3, 2020 9:54 PM PST

    Hey Everybody! Check out my Crimson serise in the skin store for an example of what I can do. I also Have a revolver skin that I am takeing requests on and it costs 200.

    Here is the Smith & Wesson Module 629 5"


    This post was edited by ghosts141 at November 3, 2020 10:29 PM PST
    • 226 posts
    November 3, 2020 10:14 PM PST

    1000 is extremely high for skins like this. It should be worth about 50 cash. There isn't much variety, you used a slightly textured stock image as the UV map and pasted it onto a weapon obj. file. Try using either blender or gimp to create skins that are more aesthetically pleasing than the ones offered here.

    • 69 posts
    November 3, 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Dude I actully made it with my own editing program, no pasted images :P