Forums » Bugs & Suggestions


    • 6 posts
    January 26, 2021 5:53 PM PST

    This might be a little difficult to develop but to give out more new content and get more players involved to play the game. The developers should add Search and Destroy with new maps of course. Take out elimination and add Search and Destroy all the maps are *** for elimination. For S and D it would take skill. SO here is where the HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARD. The total amount of rounds woul be 20 each round would take about 2 minutes long. But here's the reward, I fyou stay for the whole entire game the winning team would get 700 xp since xp is hard to get. The losing team would get 300 xp. The weapons would be sorted into categories and each would have a price. At the end of each round you would get a set amount of *****. Winner gets more than losers. Everyone starts off with a pistol and a knife. But since the guns take forever to kill. The damge of each weapon should be upped by 20%. ( take out rpg and flamethrowers in this gamemode if added.) For the people who primarily wants to have fun add a survival gamemode like hungergames from minecraft or zombies from Blackops.

    Also add another lmg not that weak *** minigun.