Forums » Bugs & Suggestions

More bugs than your average hotel bed

  • August 15, 2021 10:35 PM PDT

    Kicked out of games many times due to Exceptions (with consequential loss of all coins "earned" so far)

    "Glitch Deaths" simply by walking into posts or climbing to the top of towers. Great fun!

    Hummers that blow up for no reason.

    Hummers that either refuse to move when you climb into the driving seat or they jiggle about uncontrollably.

    Hummers that inexplicably blow up when you collide with a player or sometimes shoot upwards to high altitudes.

    Multiple occupants in the driver's seat or turret. The only way of getting out of this nonsense position is for one of the occupants to go to Spectator then rejoin the game. Grrr!


    • 109 posts
    August 25, 2021 8:34 AM PDT

    AH, a person(lady) with the same problems I have. If you could give me a quarter for every one of my glitch deaths I would have around $135 in my pocket about now.

    The glitches are supper bad when they happen.