Hello max, john connor who you banned before for toxic is continuing to be toxic. Here is the evidence
Profile: https://warmerise.com/profile/JohnConnor
It is not just him it is walidou also. They are targeting and being toxic
Castiel said: The censoring is a bit much as it is. Could there be an option to disable/enable profanity like there is in other games?
True, this would be nice, it is pretty annoying how sometimes you're typing normal sentences and it randomly gets censored when there was no profanity or any bad word used.
i don't see the need to censor more or add more words to the censorship algorithm. It's broken as is. Would be logical to ban MAJOR words if you really want to but the most optimal choice is to add an option to disable profanity, that way everyone gets what they want. At the end of the day it's a shooter game, therefore it has some sense of "competitiveness" so toxicity will always exist, no way to get rid of it.