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Max, can you explain or cooperate?

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    April 24, 2023 1:16 PM PDT

    Max, I am writing this because I really want to know something. You tend to ignore some things like suggestions made long ago or something? Look, we get that it might take time, but please communicate more with us about these things. I don't want to belittle anyone but take advice from OG's or people who have been playing this game and know what it was like before things broke or before things went wrong that made the game unenjoyable. I try to criticize the game because I feel like it's the only way to get you to listen to things, Max. And I want to talk about that, we want the game to be fixed because we want to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed but it’s proving impossible because of you not listening or the community disagreeing and that’s something I'll get to soon. I know you might disagree with ideas sometimes, but try to look at the players that agree with it and try to understand our perspective of the change, Max. The other problem is it’s hard to suggest some things because a lot of people instantly disagree. For example the suggestion to nerf additionals, everyone disagrees because they gain advantages from it, it lets them get more XP, or free cheap kills and that’s the problem because they just disagree so they can abuse something for longer to keep the advantages they have from it. I really want to make a list about all the problems about the game (like I promised I would and never got to, and the reason behind why I cannot do that and did not do it yet is because so many people would disagree because they want it to be broken so that they can abuse it). If you promise me you’ll listen to what I and the OG’s suggestions are, I will take my time to make a massive list and I’ll try to include as many suggestions as I can from other players too, but this is only if you promise to listen and try to understand our perspective and why we dislike features, and not listen to the players that like the broken features because they get advantages. 


    • 955 posts
    April 29, 2023 2:02 PM PDT

    I see. I may not be an OG (I have been playing for 4 years. not sure if that counts as "OG") but these are the problems and suggestions that fix them (for some of them they may just be problems without fixing)

    • default sniper is used too much as close range
    • additionals should have a 5 second cooldown (or maybe add an option to set a certian time limit in the room creation)
    • instead of reducing the number of additionals, you have one but it recharges over time (this goes with the one right above)
    • jet is way too OP and breaks the physics (no realistic flying. all the players do is just go up and down and bomb everyone)
    • car should have first person driving and 3rd person turret option
    • revolver fire rate should be dropped a little (fires to fast for a revolver)
    • should be a smooth climbing feature to replace the spam jump to climb a hill
    • stamina runs out way too fast
    • car physics are way too "hollow", meaning when you ram each other the two cars either get stuck in each other and vibrate a lot, or one (or both) flies out of the multiverse, while taking so much damage that you start to flame.
    • when you run over bodies it takes way too much damage that you start smoking or flaming.
    • weapons become stiff after you pick them up casually (without throwing it)
    • and last but very not least: the hit delay with the guns, meaning you get shot but on your screen the opponent hits a wall. this also applies to sniping. when a sniper is on a hill, it seems like they are shooting through the hill. I can't see any part of their body besides 0.001% of their head.
    • 2 posts
    May 1, 2023 4:57 AM PDT

    that is so true Spacetrooper, most of those are true,


    XDDD especially the last one XDDD

  • Eve
    • 333 posts
    May 2, 2023 3:14 AM PDT

    Spacetrooper said:

    I see. I may not be an OG (I have been playing for 4 years. not sure if that counts as "OG") but these are the problems and suggestions that fix them (for some of them they may just be problems without fixing)

    • default sniper is used too much as close range
    • additionals should have a 5 second cooldown (or maybe add an option to set a certian time limit in the room creation)
    • instead of reducing the number of additionals, you have one but it recharges over time (this goes with the one right above)
    • jet is way too OP and breaks the physics (no realistic flying. all the players do is just go up and down and bomb everyone)
    • car should have first person driving and 3rd person turret option
    • revolver fire rate should be dropped a little (fires to fast for a revolver)
    • should be a smooth climbing feature to replace the spam jump to climb a hill
    • stamina runs out way too fast
    • car physics are way too "hollow", meaning when you ram each other the two cars either get stuck in each other and vibrate a lot, or one (or both) flies out of the multiverse, while taking so much damage that you start to flame.
    • when you run over bodies it takes way too much damage that you start smoking or flaming.
    • weapons become stiff after you pick them up casually (without throwing it)
    • and last but very not least: the hit delay with the guns, meaning you get shot but on your screen the opponent hits a wall. this also applies to sniping. when a sniper is on a hill, it seems like they are shooting through the hill. I can't see any part of their body besides 0.001% of their head.

    • default sniper is used too much as close range, its the best sniper if you really think about it, its just bugged, so no its not overused, its under-rated. 

      additionals should have a 5 second cooldown (or maybe add an option to set a certian time limit in the room creation)
      instead of reducing the number of additionals, you have one but it recharges over time (this goes with the one right above), just add a bit more delay and reduce the amount, keeping it at 3 will still have long term spam

      revolver fire rate should be dropped a little (fires to fast for a revolver
      should be a smooth climbing feature to replace the spam jump to climb a hil
      stamina runs out way too fast, these i actually agree with, revolver is fkn busted, climbing hills is annoying and energy does run out WAY too fast, Max pls fix

      and last but very not least: the hit delay with the guns, meaning you get shot but on your screen the opponent hits a wall. this also applies to sniping., there is always a delay with bullet speed, there is an inconsistency as well, where your opponents shots dont line up, its to do with ping, and the ping issues can never be fixed on garbage WebGL.
    • 147 posts
    May 2, 2023 4:22 AM PDT

    Another thing: FPV is suppose to have accurate aim, right? There's a noticable offset when aiming while on a ladder. 

    • 105 posts
    May 2, 2023 6:40 AM PDT

    Eve said:

    Max, I am writing this because I really want to know something. You tend to ignore some things like suggestions made long ago or something? Look, we get that it might take time, but please communicate more with us about these things. I don't want to belittle anyone but take advice from OG's or people who have been playing this game and know what it was like before things broke or before things went wrong that made the game unenjoyable. I try to criticize the game because I feel like it's the only way to get you to listen to things, Max. And I want to talk about that, we want the game to be fixed because we want to enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed but it’s proving impossible because of you not listening or the community disagreeing and that’s something I'll get to soon. I know you might disagree with ideas sometimes, but try to look at the players that agree with it and try to understand our perspective of the change, Max. The other problem is it’s hard to suggest some things because a lot of people instantly disagree. For example the suggestion to nerf additionals, everyone disagrees because they gain advantages from it, it lets them get more XP, or free cheap kills and that’s the problem because they just disagree so they can abuse something for longer to keep the advantages they have from it. I really want to make a list about all the problems about the game (like I promised I would and never got to, and the reason behind why I cannot do that and did not do it yet is because so many people would disagree because they want it to be broken so that they can abuse it). If you promise me you’ll listen to what I and the OG’s suggestions are, I will take my time to make a massive list and I’ll try to include as many suggestions as I can from other players too, but this is only if you promise to listen and try to understand our perspective and why we dislike features, and not listen to the players that like the broken features because they get advantages. 


    I completely agree with this. Max updates the game but rarely and never listens to the community.

    This post was edited by Iplayvideogames at May 2, 2023 6:40 AM PDT
    • 955 posts
    May 2, 2023 7:09 AM PDT
    Well Eve, there shouldn’t be a limit for additionals, there should be infinite amounts of additionals but there is a 5 second cooldown. Look at Battlefront to see what I mean. In the game, you don’t have 3 grenades, but instead you have 1 that recharges over a period of time, and it’s longer than 5 seconds. Because think about it, if you have 2 grenades, it won’t make sense. And reducing the grenade limit is just pointless
    • 105 posts
    May 2, 2023 8:58 AM PDT
    •  I can't see any part of their body besides 0.001% of their head.
