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Mute system and Ping Limit

    • 16 posts
    January 24, 2017 3:32 PM PST
    I saw Max added a vote-kick system, which I think is a bad idea. It could be useful if everyone use it in the right way, but we know that most of the times is going to be used to troll people.
    So, instead of that, wouldn't be better a mute system?
    Most of the times you would want to kick someone from a server is because his bad behaviour. With this mute system you can mute anyone in chat that you dont want to see what it is typing. Other reasons to use vote-kick are laggers. Therefore, with the option of establishing ping limits in servers, you "solve" the problem.
    I think both things would improve a lot the game.
    • 260 posts
    January 24, 2017 3:41 PM PST

    If there were ping limits here most of the players won't be able to join a server if there ping is over the amount of the limit the server is. For Example: this server ping limit is 200 and most of the players that want to join that can't because there ping is over that limit. I think having a ping limit here isn't really possbile. A mute system there is a something where you can just hide your chat and don't see what people are chatting about.

    • 257 posts
    January 24, 2017 4:40 PM PST

    We both had a long talk regarding this topic, and these are some of the reasons why he made those suggestions:

    The current "Hide chat" system is not enough in our opinion, one of the reasons for people to hide their chat is because one or two players are insulting him/her and there can also be other reasons. But the point is, why would you have to "mute" everyone, even your friends, just because there is one or two guys who are annoying you?

    Many people have to deal with insults daily as you can see on Max's profile. This suggestion would help everyone who just wants to chat with friends, avoid fights, stop someone from insulting them, and many different situations including those who are complaining on Max's profile.

    Second point is ping limit. Have you ever joined a game and see people with +500 ping shooting through the walls 3 seconds after you are already behind it? Of course, everyone has. However this is not a like a lag hating request.

    The type of ping limits Azherot is suggesting is the type of ping limit many games (Rush team, Combat Company, ...) have, but not BeGone's one. The type of ping limit we are suggesting is: a ping limit option when creating a server that you can put ping limit or not (People would be able to choose) or in case there must be a ping limit (like in Rush team) the ping limits would be 1000, 500, 300 and 200. Of course everyone has the right to play, BUT anyone with a ping above 1000 ms is going to make everyone's gaming experience not enjoyable at all.

    Anyways I can understand that we have different points of view on this subject. We just thought Max could consider this suggestions and feel free to either add them or just ignore them.

    Have a nice day.


    This post was edited by Erlaanz at January 24, 2017 5:01 PM PST
  • January 26, 2017 8:43 PM PST
    Do people forget the existence of this word "ignore". Don't respond, that's what that went you to do and react. No mute system.
    • 281 posts
    January 26, 2017 10:52 PM PST
    Rush team sucks they banned me :c xd
    • 16 posts
    January 27, 2017 2:09 AM PST
    This system is the answer to the prayers of one side of this community. Many people including members of your own clan complained in the past about individuals bothering them. With this mute system they would have one solution at least. Of course you can ignore a person during 1 game in CSGO, LoL, ... because you will never see that people again. But here in Warmerise in such a small community if one person hates another they could follow him around or not even need to follow they would find each other in servers daily. Not everyone has a strong mentality and overall no one should have to go through that since we come here to have fun and not to be insulted or humiliated.
  • January 27, 2017 8:00 AM PST

    I agree with Azherot. nothing more to add.

    • 107 posts
    February 5, 2017 8:47 AM PST
    Azherot said:
    I saw Max added a vote-kick system, which I think is a bad idea. It could be useful if everyone use it in the right way, but we know that most of the times is going to be used to troll people.
    So, instead of that, wouldn't be better a mute system?
    Most of the times you would want to kick someone from a server is because his bad behaviour. With this mute system you can mute anyone in chat that you dont want to see what it is typing. Other reasons to use vote-kick are laggers. Therefore, with the option of establishing ping limits in servers, you "solve" the problem.
    I think both things would improve a lot the game.

    Appreciate that idea!
    Hope max will apply it.