I try it in an attempt to make him say some information. from how he responds, he is a hacker who always gets away with it and knows his stuff.
I'm sorry gamers. I was rude. But, I was once bullied by a player once. So, once I hacked the game. I decided to take the revenge. After I took the revenge, I started to cause trouble to other players too. This was not correct. And I feel guilty for that. I won't cause the trouble again.
- Player 902a
That's what I am gonna do after I discover how to hack the time of a TDM round. Other hacker already did it once.
I'm gonna write-up the full exploit and then Max will fix it in the next version of the game.
hola tengo muchas quejas recientemente estoy sufriendo un abuso de hacks por parte de otros usuarios en algunas partidas me cruzo con hackers y lo que pasa es que le disparo en la cabeza con sniper o cuchillo y no muere es como si no le hubiera hecho nada y aveces me mata alguien con cuchilos desde la otra punta del mapa y eso no tiene sentido porfavor hagan algo