I think it is based in 2355 on a dystopian universe where the Humans have advanced a lot. by doing that started a Planet War X throughout the whole planetary system, fightning in different conditions, planets and colonies.
don't get me wrong i'm not good at making theories.
d16666666666 said:I think it is based in 2355 on a dystopian universe where the Humans have advanced a lot. by doing that started a Planet War X throughout the whole planetary system, fightning in different conditions, planets and colonies.
don't get me wrong i'm not good at making theories.
I Think its Superhumans in Suits Under Control To Fight For There Lives So There Master (The Sky Troopers) Dont Exucute Them Into Space Im Not Good At Making Theories Either
In 2070 Red and blue fighting for their galaxy like, whoever wins they get to keep both galaxies because they don't have enough resources in their galaxy and need more food and water. & worlds on Red's galaxy are dying slowly but surely. The air quality on each of the blues planets is getting lower so they need more planets and air and no one will decide to team up. So they go to war to see who gets to keep both galaxies.
Sorry I'm months late :|
Warmerise didn't start at 2017 . Just watch this video for learn more about old warmerise : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iawjwLTtUk
Deleted Member said:it's about endless flamewar, self recognition best player, selling gun skins, high ping and low fps, and finally an unlimited multi-clan membership all in one pocket profileJust Tell Me The Warmerise Red Vs Blue Story
I Really Want To Know About It