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|[Legion]| Official Recruitment Thread

    • 107 posts
    February 8, 2017 3:08 AM PST





    People who know how to work in team, takes skill, pride, honor and loyalty to the clan, know how to play seriously, why the beyond of a clan

    are a family and we have the outmost respect to all our members and players in total. We are people with character and mind of a winner, not

    feel superior, just show skill in battle, our training is hard, train every day to improve our skill and strategy in the field. We try to give the best

    we have in combat to show that we have potential.



    Team work, is what we focus on most. When you’re in a clan you’re never alone. We've got your back if you have ours. Together we'll outsmart and Over power the enemy. We'll take them down before they even see us.


     *Active: Be Always active, often spent time with us, you can play at least 2 hours a day is sufficient to form, and it is ideal.

     *Loyalty: Perhaps the most important factor for us. Never use another account. While the clan in building activities to participate in another clan.  If you fulfill this rule, you'll get a great success.

    *Honesty: against clan members and other members of the absolute honest. We have created here a council, and once people wake up to this Criterion, they can find their place in the council.

     *Friendship: We're more than a party. A family, a second home for you. Always be friendly with Member chat with them, thus increasing we used to each other, and in this case will become an indispensable.

     *Teamwork: to be with our team always supported. The time you spend playing with them you will learn the tactics of each other. And you'll make a plan accordingly. Will develop tactics you will ensure success in the fight and duel                                                                                                                                   

    * Courage: Never fear! Try to reach your goal speed cutting. Defend your clan, never compromising. Walk to victory in the duel and fight your team-  Mates. Success already following you.




      *It is expected that members are polite and respectful when posting in the public forum. 
        Posts that should be avoided include: 

      •  Trolling  - Annoying people on purpose 
      •  Spamming  - Large number of posts that do not add to the conversation 
      •  Encoring  - Posting in 'dead' topics 
      •  Discrimination  - Discrimination on any basis (***, race, etc.) 
      •  Bullying  - Picking on a member 
      •  Harassment  - Continuously irritating or tormenting members 
      •  Offensive Language  -  
      •  Multi-accounting  - Creating/accessing more than one Account 
      •  Inappropriate content  - Posting or linking to disturbing or pornographic images, videos, text, etc. 
      •  Hacking & cheating   
      •  Personal Information  - Sharing personal information about members without their permission. 



     1) Respect others in the clan: Don't call others things we don't use. Respect others, help others, stay like a family together.

     2) No Multi-Accounting- We don't accept Multi-Accounting because people get banned or deleted.

     3) Not more than 4 clans you can keep *Including* |[Legion]|

     4) No Glitch/Hacking: We don't like people who use Glitch, because we don't want to have that guy who glitch in a clan war examples Hacking are something we hate most in the clan, hacking are for people who are noob. We don't respect people use Glitch and Hack.

     5) Be active and loyal in the clan | Clan wars/Clan Training: Be active post and vote and discuss things about on the clan, The same Of Clan wars/Training.

     6) Follow our Rules: Follow our rules, No spamming, trolls, calling, If you do you will get kicked very fast.

     7) Not ask for ranks: We don't like people ask for ranks and want to get the highest rank of the clan. If people want to get the highest Rank they need to be very loyal and active.

      8) Don't tell others of the clan: Don't tell others who not are in our clan, Examples: How much views/How much are promoted/How much Clan Discussions/Clan Events/Clan Polls/Plan for the clan. We don't want others to know.

      9) Inactive: If you are going on Vacation or something, please info others in the clan or PM the Leaders/Officers.

     10) Help others in the clan: If someone are new member in the clan or want to ask about something, So tell the member what have been done and other things.

     11) Read the Topic/Get agreed: Before Topic/Thread. We don't like people not read Topic/Thread; they just apply and wait for join, Our clan it's not easy to join.



     *Leader / Co-leader

      Leaders, clan are the rightful owner. They are the ones who have the highest level. The largest powers, legislative and managing belong to them. You do not need more strategies for them. Have to participate between their and gloomy. However, it is not something impossible. Used in class for the democratic system, you can log in once into this category.



       Plays a significant role in the management of general’s clan. Therefore, these authorities are really serious. The generals also are members of the Council. If you want to join a member of the clan, they make themselves voting. As deputies. Where leaders are inadequate, the generals engaged.


      Assesor is the one who test the new members by having duels with tem or by watching their gameplay and tactics. They are the one who decides to approve them according to their gameplay or not. Asesor are also responsible for training


     1 - Will have to play at least one or more members for five days.

     2 - Five days after his play with us. I will ask how the applicants are faring.

     3 - Members shall give your opinion about whether you have respect or if you are not yet suitable for the clan.

     4 - Candidates who are with a good reputation in our clan will be invited in the same day.



     If you wishes to become a member of our family. Don't spam us with messages or topics requests. We search for skilled, loyal and active Members. If we like you, we will contact you. If you haven't heard, you can still try to become a recruit. You can play with us. Learn to know us. When you think you're ready, ask one of our members to recommend you. We'll create a poll and let our members decide if you can join




     - Age :
     - Country :
     - Gender :

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans:
    - From who/where did you hear about us? :

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? 
    * - What does loyalty means to you?
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? 
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? 
    * - What makes you different from others players ?  
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|?
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them?


    Leader : Coldzer00 (Usta) :

    Co-leader : DeathBreme998 :


    ► Clan Link :

    Official list of all the Members

    [Updated on March 21st, 2017]

    Coldzer00 | Leader 

    ➤ DeathBreme998 | Co-leader

    ➤ Clasher123 | General

    Shadow | Member

    Hellscream | Member


    This post was edited by Coldzer00 at June 16, 2017 8:52 AM PDT
    • 20 posts
    February 8, 2017 5:28 AM PST
    Good Luck Usta
    • 107 posts
    February 8, 2017 5:29 AM PST

    Ozan said: Good Luck Usta


    • 285 posts
    February 8, 2017 5:31 AM PST
    Good Luck! Good to have Legions back!
    • 107 posts
    February 8, 2017 6:04 AM PST

    DeathBringer908 said: Good Luck! Good to have Legions back!


    • 107 posts
    February 8, 2017 9:20 AM PST

    @profeta Your application is not according to this format plz use the correct format


     - Age :
     - Country :
     - Gender :

    - Clan history:

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? :

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : 
    - From who/where did you hear about us? :

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? 
    * - Why should a person be loyal ? 
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? 
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? 
    * - What makes you different from others players ? 
    * - How long are you playing FPS games ? 
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|?
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them

    • 107 posts
    February 8, 2017 9:30 AM PST

    Agutin10 said:

     -Username: Agutin10

     - Age : 16
     - Country :Usa
     - Gender Male

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Because I Want To enter To Legion

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? I Want To join Because Always I Wanted To join Legion Before That Closed The Game

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? :For My Legion It Is Honor And Valor Al Equipo

    * - What makes you different from others players ? I belong Different from other players because I am faithful to the clan it will help the clan and many mas

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ? :As 6 hours or mas a day 

    * - What is your weekly play schedule?

    2,Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
    3,Counter Strike Global Ofensive

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them? Yes

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? : Yes


    Application accepted ! Now you wwill be get tested by me or clasher123. till then have patience

    • 6 posts
    February 8, 2017 2:34 PM PST

    Good luck usta

    • 185 posts
    February 8, 2017 10:44 PM PST

    you all need to be tested.


    • 185 posts
    February 8, 2017 10:47 PM PST

    If you all want to be tested Add me or Usta (Coldzer) Then he or me will test you

    • 185 posts
    February 8, 2017 10:48 PM PST

    Profeta said:

    -Username: Profeta

     - Age : 16
     - Country : Ecuador
     - Gender :16

    - Clan history: like clan i love <3

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Yes i am ... me clan is boinas leave?

    -Games you are currently playing and want to play : Yes
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : yes


    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ?  No
    * - Why should a person be loyal ? yes
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? yes
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? yes
    * - What makes you different from others players ? Yes
    * - How long are you playing FPS games ?  As 4 hours or mas a day
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? 1: Warmerise 2: Begone 3: Flymice
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? yes
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them yes


    You will soon join the clan please be patience

    • 185 posts
    February 9, 2017 12:01 AM PST

    Agutin10 said:

     -Username: Agutin10

     - Age : 16
     - Country :Usa
     - Gender Male

    - Why did you leave your previous clan(s)? : Because I Want To enter To Legion

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? I Want To join Because Always I Wanted To join Legion Before That Closed The Game

    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ? :For My Legion It Is Honor And Valor Al Equipo

    * - What makes you different from others players ? I belong Different from other players because I am faithful to the clan it will help the clan and many mas

    * - How long are you playing FPS games ? :As 6 hours or mas a day 

    * - What is your weekly play schedule?

    2,Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
    3,Counter Strike Global Ofensive

    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them? Yes

    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? : Yes


    Contact me by adding i have to test you or add Coldzer

    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 1:35 AM PST
    DEDD said:

    Good luck usta

    Thanks DEDD!
    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 8:58 AM PST
    As Flanfloutop1 was having problem in translation so i translated!

    User: FlanFlouOneTop1      - Years:   - Country: Chile punta arenas   - Gender: male     - Clan History: I joined because I was invited     - Why did you leave your previous clan? I have not been in another clan     -Games you are currently playing and want to play: clas royale clash of clan etc.  - From whom / where did you hear about us? : In a game Coldzer00 I notice     * - Why do you want to join [Legion] | ? Because I want to be in a clan and also seems like a good community  * - Why should a person be loyal? So that there is trust for all users  * - What does [Legion] | Clan means to you: it seems to me a community that respects and welcomes in the clan with affection  * - What is your goal with | [Legion] | Take it to the top  * - What makes you different from other players? I do not use hacks I consider myself good and I am different We are all different  * - How long have you been playing FPS games? Not only this  * - What is your weekly game schedule? More or less this month in the evenings ... ... and the day after when school starts will not be followed very often by the studies * - Have you ever played with a member of | [Legion] | * - Did you read our rules correctly and understood? I missed the last 2 haora I answer
    -has played with any legion member: if with one your username is Coldzer00
    "Did you read our rules and understood them correctly?" yes

    This post was edited by Coldzer00 at February 9, 2017 8:59 AM PST
    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 9:02 AM PST

    @FlanFlouOneTop1: your application seems fine and all test are cleared.

    Result : Accepted

  • February 9, 2017 10:44 AM PST

    Ustafanaveed, are you serious to copy my application form? You stole it from Cosmic, it's not so hard to create it by yourself or it is?

    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 10:53 AM PST

    Everton76 said:

    Ustafanaveed, are you serious to copy my application form? You stole it from Cosmic, it's not so hard to create it by yourself or it is?

    sorry!  but almost al aplication forms in this game are almost same!

    Did some edits

  • February 9, 2017 10:59 AM PST

    Coldzer00 said:

    Everton76 said:

    Ustafanaveed, are you serious to copy my application form? You stole it from Cosmic, it's not so hard to create it by yourself or it is?

    sorry!  but almost al aplication forms in this game are almost same!

    Did some edits


    I don't mind you using it, but you could edit it a bit. But now we're fine, I wish you the best with Legion

    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:00 AM PST

    Everton76 said:

    Coldzer00 said:

    Everton76 said:

    Ustafanaveed, are you serious to copy my application form? You stole it from Cosmic, it's not so hard to create it by yourself or it is?

    sorry!  but almost al aplication forms in this game are almost same!

    Did some edits

    Thanks alot Everton!


    I don't mind you using it, but you could edit it a bit. But now we're fine, I wish you the best with Legion

    • 11 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:08 AM PST

    Good luck

    • 107 posts
    February 9, 2017 11:16 AM PST

    MrRen said:

    Good luck

    Thanks Renne!!

    • 19 posts
    February 11, 2017 2:32 AM PST

     -Username: UmairAhmad406

     - Age : 15
     - Country : Pakistan
     - Gender : Male

    - Clan history and reason why you left your previous clans: No clan.
    - From who/where did you hear about us? : I am prevous player of warmerise.

    *- Why do you want to join |[Legion]| ? For fun.
    * - What does loyalty means to you? Brotherhood
    * - What does |[Legion]| clan mean for you ?  Family
    * - What's your goal with |[Legion]| ? To participate in clanwars and will do my best to reach this clan to top 100
    * - What makes you different from others players ?   IDK
    * - What is your weekly play schedule? just Saturday and Sunday due to being in hostel
    * - Have you ever played with a member of |[Legion]|? Yes, DB and all of the prevous members like123 etc
    * - Did you read our rules properly and understood them? Yes.

    This post was edited by UmairAhmad406 at February 11, 2017 5:25 AM PST
    • 107 posts
    February 11, 2017 5:19 AM PST
    @ Umairahmed406 Please answer all the questions .
    • 289 posts
    February 11, 2017 7:21 AM PST

    accept me,i am known as pipipi and Rihardulis

    • 107 posts
    February 11, 2017 7:58 AM PST
    pipipi said:

    accept me,i am known as pipipi and Rihardulis

    Oh welcome back Bro! Missed you alot!