So, good day!
I will post my old skin updates and new skins on this new forum, simply because I don't want to delete the old one. leave it as a museum. hehe.
Well, the new skins always stayed for 1 week costing 80 cash after that period they cost 150 for the ''end of time'' lol.
Hope you like it! :P
Enjoy! =)
-VectorX skins: GoldenL69, Texk, Ederv, Redy and CamoL69:
-GravityGun skins: Texk, Rox, Tatic and CamoL69:
-Knife Skins: CamoL69, Bluesea, Tralis, CopperL69, Rust, Jir, Lara, Texk, Baxy, Lis, Zul and GoldenL69:
-A12 skins: Tralis, Zul, CamoL69, GoldenL69 and Texk:
- Carbine skins: Redy, Lara, Zul, Ederv, Bluesea, Expace, CamoL69, Texk, Vlw, Xover, Elvox, A1, Aquave, Tralis, Sinzax, GoldenL69, Fyrow and Prof.Dr. :
- Gravity Skins 2.0: Aquave, Fyrow, Sinzax and GoldenL69 :
- A12 Skins 2.0 : Aquave, Expace, Fyrow and Vlw:
- GA3A Skins: Aquave, Texk, GoldenL69, CamoL69 and Expace:
-UMP40 Skins: Aquave, CopperL69, BlackL69, GoldenL69, Texk, CamoL69, Ederv, Redy, Lis, Bluesea, Rox and Zul:
-PlasmaGun Skins: Expace, CamoL69, Texk, GoldenL69 and Tatic:
-Knife Skins 3.0: Expace, Aquave, Fyrow, Vlw, Rox and Prof.Dr. :
-Revolver Skins: CamoL69, Ederv, Aquave, RustL69 and CopperL69:
-RailRifle Skins: Expace, GoldenL69, Texk and CamoL69:
-Revolver Skins 2.0: Rox, Bluesea, Redy, Zul and GoldenL69:
CPW Skins: Bluesea, GoldenL69, CamoL69 and Redy: