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Problem with my ping

    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 1:52 PM PDT
    Why in my region does it go to 200-300 ping if it should go to 100-126? max do something please i want 
    to play fair without ping problem



    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 1:55 PM PDT
    This player has a high ping and headshot right in the head.


    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 1:57 PM PDT 

    this is the person's link


    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 1:59 PM PDT
    This person is someone who only shoots the head and has the same problem as me

    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 2:04 PM PDT
    This is my region .. and it goes to 200-300, I would have to go to 100-126 and it is not a problem with my 
    internet or anything .. I just restarted my wifi 5 times and nothing .. I need your help max respond


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 30, 2020 2:32 PM PDT

    The high ping can also be caused by low fps, try changing quality settings to the lowest.

    However, even with ping 500, other players should not freeze for that long, so it could be related to other network issues.

    Either way going to investigate this issue soon.

    Meanwhile, go to the site below, do the test and post the result here:

    This post was edited by Admin at July 30, 2020 2:35 PM PDT
    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 2:37 PM PDT

    thanks max!!!

    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 2:52 PM PDT
    this is my result

    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 2:53 PM PDT
    I'll see a tutorial to make the games go much better .. thanks max


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    July 30, 2020 3:23 PM PDT

    xLobov said:

    this is my result

    The test shows that only 56% of packets were received, ideally it should be 95%+.

    There could be many reasons for this, ranging from issues on your PC to the issues with the internet cable, equipment etc.

    - If you use anti-virus software, try temporarily disabling it and do the test again. Some anti-virus programs can be quite invasive in monitoring the incoming and outgoing internet traffic, causing such delays.

    • 44 posts
    July 30, 2020 3:28 PM PDT
    I understand .. anyway thank you very much max


  • Hax
    • 28 posts
    July 31, 2020 2:14 PM PDT

    Max said:

    The high ping can also be caused by low fps, try changing quality settings to the lowest.

    However, even with ping 500, other players should not freeze for that long, so it could be related to other network issues.

    Either way going to investigate this issue soon.

    Meanwhile, go to the site below, do the test and post the result here:


    This issue has been ongoing for over a week now. From what I have noticed it is primarily players from Asia who have pings 100-300 higher than their normal pings, even on Asian servers. Three weeks ago these same players were able to play lag free, but now I'm routinely finding players who's pings are sitting stable at 500-600 ranges. These players are lag spiking to over 1000 ping and its causing people to be killed around corners or without any hit notifications at all; completely unplayable.


    I do not think it is their fault, but there is something happening along the server chain that are causing these issues.

    • 44 posts
    July 31, 2020 2:19 PM PDT



    • 144 posts
    July 31, 2020 9:56 PM PDT

    Players enter with 500 ping and do wallbangs and headshots with everykill and its annoying.

    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 2:08 PM PDT
    Friend max I no longer support my ping and people with ping of 1000+, it is annoying and cannot be played ... they seem to
    be a hacker ... reboot my router 25 times and reboot my computer and nothing .. I continue with 600 ping please I solved this
    problem soon I did everything but still this problem cannot be played anything everything goes super lag ...


    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    August 2, 2020 2:17 PM PDT

    xLobov said:

    Friend max I no longer support my ping and people with ping of 1000+, it is annoying and cannot be played ... they seem to
    be a hacker ... reboot my router 25 times and reboot my computer and nothing .. I continue with 600 ping please I solved this
    problem soon I did everything but still this problem cannot be played anything everything goes super lag ...


    Do the test again and post the result (Make sure to not switch browser tabs while test is running):

    Also change "Acceptable Delay" to 500 milliseconds before running the test.

    This post was edited by Admin at August 2, 2020 2:25 PM PDT
    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 6:01 PM PDT

    thanks max 

    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 6:08 PM PDT

    this is my result again

    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 6:08 PM PDT

    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 6:51 PM PDT
    Max I don't know what to do I swear .. it always takes me out when I'm in game, I can't play pls solve this problem

    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 10:12 PM PDT
    Max Look at my ping on each server that is normal .. but when I enter I have 700 of ping and 
    check that it is not my internet .. something is happening


    • 44 posts
    August 2, 2020 10:12 PM PDT

  • Hax
    • 28 posts
    August 2, 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    I agree xLobov. Something is going on over the past two weeks. Players are playing at stable 600+ pings and spiking over 1000+ ping.


    Max, if I join a server that has one of these players in it, the server becomes unplayable. Everyone starts to lag when someone joins with this ping and the lagger starts to shoot people around corners or instantly kills them. How can someone be allowed to stay in a server when they have 600 ping? It takes a 1-2 seconds after I've done enough damage for some of these players to actually die, in which time they've killed me because for some reason their packets had priority over my faster ones.

    I feel bad for players like xLobov who keep getting kicked when they lag spike 1500+ ping, but for those of us who are not lagging it ruins the game to play against players with 400+ ping. The ping kick limit needs to be reduced, its just too much of an unfair advantage when my damage I deal is completely ignored by the server.

    • 1193 posts
    August 3, 2020 3:09 AM PDT
    Just found a player called AGRESSIVE, he abuses lag he had like 1100+ ping and he knifes me in very long distance also when i was even shield my screen showed that he did shot the shield but i got killed headshot like everytime, also those 101s uncountable damages. Also i was not lagging. When kills me when i hide in wall and its annoying...
    • 289 posts
    August 3, 2020 4:25 AM PDT

    walidou said: Just found a player called AGRESSIVE, he abuses lag he had like 1100+ ping and he knifes me in very long distance also when i was even shield my screen showed that he did shot the shield but i got killed headshot like everytime, also those 101s uncountable damages. Also i was not lagging. When kills me when i hide in wall and its annoying...

    i also found a player who abuses by deleting clans for 25k, i dont remember his name, but i think it starts with the letter M and after letter A follows, but am not sure... Max plz fix