Welcome to the thread where I will advertise my weapons! Currently, I have designed 6 weapon skins and published them. ~ Seth
Major Edit: The skin's price has been changed to 3000 cash.
Protip: In the Custom Skins Searchbar, type in "u:Seth" to find all of my skins!
Thank you for thinking so!
By the way, the skins have been repriced a while ago.
USP | Tuxedo is now 750 cash.
GravityGun | Discord is 350 cash. Expect it to be reworked.
UMP | Augmented is still 3000 cash.
The newly released RailRifle | Network is 5000 cash.
View my skins in 3D on SketchFab!
Due to lack of sales and me generally not caring anymore, I drastically reduced the price of all of my skins.
The USP | Tuxedo is currently available for 200 cash.
The Gravity Gun | Discord is now 100 cash. I am not happy about how it looks, really.
UMP | Augmented costs 400 cash now.
The not-so-new-but-never-purchased RailRifle | Network has been repriced to 1000 cash. It ain't going lower.
Perhaps if I get enough sales, I'll make and upload more skins. I actually still have the Knife | Data Leak skin ready to upload, however I cannot upload more skins due to not getting enough sales. Oh well.
If you see any mistakes in this skin - notify me.
I started the project a few months ago and decided to complete it, some parts may look wrong, I'm not 100% sure.