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MrToxic (that's not me ha )

    • 109 posts
    October 23, 2020 4:49 AM PDT

    I am telling u a story about a guy, but the story is created by me. So it is fabricated.




    Do u know who is the most famous member in warmerise? We all know that when we mention him, his surname is called To, and the name is xic. You definitely have seen him, also have listened to someone talks about him. Since his name is hanging on our mouth, and also he is gonna be our representative.

    What MrToxic looks like? He Looks like a normal person. He got eyes, but only see hateful and fight, can't see any peaceful things. He got two ears, but only hear people swearing. He has a nose and mouth too, but most of the time he would like to insult people, and what is he always smell? A word which means poop. Although his mind is full of bad things, his brain isn't small, however, his brain is full of jealous, nonsense mind, lucky that he is not a H0RxNY person.

    That's what MrToxic always said: I will start fI_ICKING and insulting everyone if I got bad mood from some azzHLeo.

    When MrToxic had started to play the game, he always ridiculing his enemies when he killed his enemies, like keep crouching on someone's dead body, but he only did it to guests, he was quite nice to some great players.

    ( T) After a month, MrToxic's behavior became better, when he was playing in only sniper maps and get killed by someone with a headshot once and once, MrToxic would start calling the player is an aimbot, and he would do that thing like what I typed it in the third paragraph."He will start fI_ICKING and insulting everyone if he got a bad mood from some azzHLeo." Just a while, he offended and insulted everyone ( even his teammates ) who was in that room. MrToxic just speaking many nonsense things like a kid and curse with many bad words.

    " fuXk!nG camper, ur NNum has died just now mf, and u sck , son of a Beach, Re3@rd !!! " Well, probably like that, also unlucky that the "Aimbot" actually is a player who was very famous in the game and this person uploaded a post about him, MrToxic started being famous after the post had been uploaded.

    A year after the post had been posted, MrToxic decided to go to join SKY server. He knew most of the players who are there are very strong, so he chose there to play. That was his first time that played in the SKY server meanwhile also his last time. The room which was MrToxic got into had many pros that u could imagine who r they, maybe top 100, maybe others pros. Nothing happened from start to his first death, but since he had been killed by a player just between 3 seconds and with an amazing headshot. Anything was going on in a toxic atmosphere by MrToxic. He started roasting the player while other pros were roasting also.

    " faking Aimb0T fOr NUB , F@gOgt, ****^!hY "

    " LMAO a FekiNG moron kid "

    Yeah, because of his behavior, he got kicked from the server. And he also was thought: I won't go back to feKIng HAcK@r server again, AGAIN! Also, many people noticed MrToxic after this happened. And someone posted a topic about MrToxic again, this time, it became serious since Max saw it.

    Max gave MrToxic a warning because he did personal attacking, but MrToxic felt mad from this, he started making swearing comments under the topic :

    " OMG u sck, get killing by me then make that cshxt lol RE3rd kid lmao "

    Just a while one of a player who was in the SKY server posted a photo about MrToxic's playing result in the match :


    Since then everyone was laughing at MrToxic, but MrToxic was keep lying about what he did in the server. We know he is not sTu!id, also everyone.No one trusted his lies.My mean...only those guys who got roasted by him didn't trust him.

    The topic became more famous day by day, many people knew that, and those victims also knew that, also, those victims reported what MrToxic did to Max, suggested he should ban MrToxic. Max knew MrToxic wouldn't make any change and he also knew MrToxic was making the things became bigger. So he decided to ban MrToxic----------forever. To avoid MrToxic leads bad things to warmerise and make the community becomes ugly.

    MrToxic said it before he got banned: I won't fUxk!ng make a new fXuking account cause I aM not a FxuKing c@word , also thE game IS A godAMDN disaster , So bye MF jajjajajjajajaj , btw , my shadow clones are still alive lol , u won't eliminate me completelyy jajajajajajejejej

    After MrToxic got banned. Players who weren't his victims and those players in SKY server praised that MrToxic is brave to show his comment and what he thinks, he can peer his pressure with language very well, such a genius of the language. Then everyone calls him, the greatest player that release toxic object well, with the short name then means MrToxic, that's how his name comes.

    Things about what did he do spread further and further, longer time then more people know. Some people start learning MrToxic's behavior, so they become a MrToxic, then...Warmerise will start being a toxic community.



    (T) = Vii3 always say I am cheating jeje



    I made the story when I was boring. And my English is bad heh.

    and this is an ironic story..for those guys who said no one care if u r not care then u can quit the post lmao