Forums » Custom Maps

Jets Arena [Removal Notice]

    • Moderator
    • 1000 posts
    December 21, 2020 12:51 PM PST

    This post is to notify Jets Arena map creator (CaptZalan123) that the map in its current state does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.

    For the map to remain available to play, it needs to be updated in a way that increases its complexity and offers some degree of balance and protection for both teams.

    If no changes are made until December 28, 2020, I will have to remove the map.

  • December 21, 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Max said:

    This post is to notify Jets Arena map creator (CaptZalan123) that the map in its current state does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.

    For the map to remain available to play, it needs to be updated in a way that increases its complexity and offers some degree of balance and protection for both teams.

    If no changes are made until December 28, 2020, I will have to remove the map.

    This is a good decision. Jets Arena has no counter play for a team who is being attacked by jets. The way jet mechanics currently opperate, there is no location where a player on the ground can kill a jet if the jet is shooting straight down on them. The player model is unable to shoot directly up, only 4-5 degrees off Y-axis. The only place where a defending player is able to shoot a jet that is attacking straight down is in the enemy spawn, where they are immediately killed as soon as they begin to shoot up.

    I also suggest that spawn protection is changed slightly. While in theory the current mechanics help the newly spawned player, it does nothing to prevent the spawn killing in the first place.

    My suggestion is that the current spawn protection duration for Team Elimination remain. Since this is a round based game mode, players are unable to camp directly on a spawn point and the current spawn protection mechanics work well here. However, the spawn protection for Team Death Match is inadequate in preventing the spawn farming from occuring in the first place. Here I suggest that spawn protection remains for a full 5 seconds even if the newly spawned player decides to shoot. To prevent abuse of this immunity by quickly traveling across map with the gravity gun, the spawn protection would be removed if the player sprints, jumps, or charges the gravity gun. As it currently stands, TDM spawn protection disappears if the newly spawned player attempts to protect themselves by shooting.


    This post was edited by OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at December 21, 2020 11:21 PM PST
    • 49 posts
    December 22, 2020 7:52 AM PST


    Max said:

    This post is to notify Jets Arena map creator (CaptZalan123) that the map in its current state does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.

    For the map to remain available to play, it needs to be updated in a way that increases its complexity and offers some degree of balance and protection for both teams.

    If no changes are made until December 28, 2020, I will have to remove the map.

    This is a good decision. Jets Arena has no counter play for a team who is being attacked by jets. The way jet mechanics currently opperate, there is no location where a player on the ground can kill a jet if the jet is shooting straight down on them. The player model is unable to shoot directly up, only 4-5 degrees off Y-axis. The only place where a defending player is able to shoot a jet that is attacking straight down is in the enemy spawn, where they are immediately killed as soon as they begin to shoot up.

    I also suggest that spawn protection is changed slightly. While in theory the current mechanics help the newly spawned player, it does nothing to prevent the spawn killing in the first place.

    My suggestion is that the current spawn protection duration for Team Elimination remain. Since this is a round based game mode, players are unable to camp directly on a spawn point and the current spawn protection mechanics work well here. However, the spawn protection for Team Death Match is inadequate in preventing the spawn farming from occuring in the first place. Here I suggest that spawn protection remains for a full 5 seconds even if the newly spawned player decides to shoot. To prevent abuse of this immunity by quickly traveling across map with the gravity gun, the spawn protection would be removed if the player sprints, jumps, or charges the gravity gun. As it currently stands, TDM spawn protection disappears if the newly spawned player attempts to protect themselves by shooting.


    I admire that you went to such great lengths to actually make suggestions of improvements. However from the get-go it was plenty obvious that the creator had made this map with having a quick way to get into fights in mind. The product of this is farming XP essentially ensues.

    It's probably better to scrap this entirely and make it from scratch. Building upon this will more likely create additional problems than fix them.

    This post was edited by fshiteup at December 22, 2020 7:53 AM PST
  • December 22, 2020 2:59 PM PST

    fshiteup said:


    Max said:

    This post is to notify Jets Arena map creator (CaptZalan123) that the map in its current state does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.

    For the map to remain available to play, it needs to be updated in a way that increases its complexity and offers some degree of balance and protection for both teams.

    If no changes are made until December 28, 2020, I will have to remove the map.

    This is a good decision. Jets Arena has no counter play for a team who is being attacked by jets. The way jet mechanics currently opperate, there is no location where a player on the ground can kill a jet if the jet is shooting straight down on them. The player model is unable to shoot directly up, only 4-5 degrees off Y-axis. The only place where a defending player is able to shoot a jet that is attacking straight down is in the enemy spawn, where they are immediately killed as soon as they begin to shoot up.

    I also suggest that spawn protection is changed slightly. While in theory the current mechanics help the newly spawned player, it does nothing to prevent the spawn killing in the first place.

    My suggestion is that the current spawn protection duration for Team Elimination remain. Since this is a round based game mode, players are unable to camp directly on a spawn point and the current spawn protection mechanics work well here. However, the spawn protection for Team Death Match is inadequate in preventing the spawn farming from occuring in the first place. Here I suggest that spawn protection remains for a full 5 seconds even if the newly spawned player decides to shoot. To prevent abuse of this immunity by quickly traveling across map with the gravity gun, the spawn protection would be removed if the player sprints, jumps, or charges the gravity gun. As it currently stands, TDM spawn protection disappears if the newly spawned player attempts to protect themselves by shooting.


    I admire that you went to such great lengths to actually make suggestions of improvements. However from the get-go it was plenty obvious that the creator had made this map with having a quick way to get into fights in mind. The product of this is farming XP essentially ensues.

    It's probably better to scrap this entirely and make it from scratch. Building upon this will more likely create additional problems than fix them.


    I'm not suggesting a change in spawn protection in order to keep Jets Arena, but a game wide change to prevent spawn farming on other maps as well. I have believed that Jets Arena should have been removed from day 1 of release.

    • 74 posts
    December 24, 2020 2:23 PM PST

    this is a good desision i kep getting spawn killed because of it they shiuld add at least spawn protection were the spawn points are

    • 2 posts
    December 25, 2020 6:37 AM PST

    @Max you should delete jets arena. Almost all of custom maps have bad quality or based on farming. 

    Map is totally unbalanced. If you have gravitygun, you can go enemy team's base but those who don't have gravitygun they can't go anywhere. Lastly map has 4 jet and 4 car which is makes no sense for a small map and I'm not even talking about map design.



    • 74 posts
    December 29, 2020 8:30 AM PST

    the problem is that theres no spawn protection at all and anothere reason they should add protedtion from jets 

    • 27 posts
    January 9, 2021 9:39 AM PST

    We need a player who is experienced in cube unity and who can redo the map better. Make it bigger, better made. And removing the holes.

    • 353 posts
    January 15, 2021 8:43 AM PST

    i agree peeper. jets arena looks like it was made by a five year old  and  we only have a little bit of people who ACUALLY know how to use unity.

    • 2129 posts
    January 15, 2021 9:36 AM PST

    xChaos said:

    i agree peeper. jets arena looks like it was made by a five year old  and  we only have a little bit of people who ACUALLY know how to use unity.

    I don't think you know what Unity is.

    • 353 posts
    January 15, 2021 10:02 AM PST

    yes i do. i acually play a lot of unity games

    • 353 posts
    January 15, 2021 1:10 PM PST

    unity is a game engine and a software

    • 2129 posts
    January 15, 2021 8:07 PM PST

    xChaos said:

    unity is a game engine and a software

    Good use of Google

    • 353 posts
    January 17, 2021 4:32 PM PST

    i dont use google to look it up. im not dumb i know what unity is

    • 4 posts
    January 27, 2021 10:01 AM PST

    Good riddance to bad rubbish

    • 2 posts
    February 2, 2021 6:10 PM PST

    There is lots of dumb maps that are broken as hell in my old account that got hack i use to play alot and there were maps all broken players just make suicide max  should make the maps instead.Anyway the game is diying.

    • 40 posts
    March 26, 2021 12:10 AM PDT

    Max said:

    This post is to notify the Jets Arena map creator (CaptZalan123) that the map in its current state does not meet the minimum complexity requirements.

    For the map to remain available to play, it needs to be updated in a way that increases its complexity and offers some degree of balance and protection for both teams.

    If no changes are made until December 28, 2020, I will have to remove the map.


    Max, I understand why you removed the map and I take full guaranty that it was not perfect or neither a good map, I was just trying some really **** methods on the game and I also quitted the game my friend Raess started playing Minecraft so I added him and we talked a little about warmerise which made me see my maps and I saw jets arena my finest map (rating wise) was removed, so I am sorry for everyone who was wanting the map to come back and I never did it because I am a game developer nowadays I make some games, I got other stuff to do as well and I don't really use unity nowadays.

    • 40 posts
    March 26, 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    Peeper said:

    We need a player who is experienced in cube unity and who can redo the map better. Make it bigger, better made. And removing the holes.

    There is, ask chronospectrum or i3slkiller they are the best but about the holes in the map there are invisible bridges in the map so its not holes and people with no gravity gun can also go to others base and yes this map was created on xp farming.

    • 2 posts
    March 26, 2021 12:06 PM PDT

    What you mean is that we need players that know how to created good maps?

    • 1 posts
    August 2, 2021 6:17 AM PDT

    beğenmiyosanız oynamayın amk benim en sevdiğim map di o kadlırmak ne alaka anlamadım